Thursday, September 8, 2011

Knock your Socks Off - Coming Soon

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SOON: Millions padded in City budget to shuffle elsewhere or for export...

New information and figures identify specific items that show residents being ripped off by management and a City Commission that is not paying attention.


Anonymous said...

We are all waiting with bated breath......................................................................................

Lynn Anderson said...

It's being written by one of the other 15 bloggers. He has been a little bogged down with details because it is impossible to find anything in this Budget. Also two CIP's were published and he had the first one. We shall see how explosive it turns out, if at all. I am hoping for some revealing stuff.

Anonymous said...

With all the backtracking you are doing Lynn, You could be a politician.......

kkss21 said...

I want to know just how much the city is saving from all of this recycling we are doing? I think that the figure of 12,000 that was thrown out is all wrong.A person with the energy meetings that I went to stated that Lake Worth does an excellent job of recycling,about 70%. City wide that is a heck of a lot more than 12,000.

Lynn Anderson said...

Hey, you asked me a question. I gave you the answer. Something about truth you don't like? I'm not writing it and therefore I have no control over it. What I put on my blog was taken directly from his...his words...his thoughts. There is NO backtracking. No matter what, the Budget sucks and so do all of the taxes and special assessments.

Anonymous said...

Now I know who you're talking about, William Coakley. Can't wait for this one as he is an expert on the Utility.

Lynn Anderson said...

Bill is a perfectionist. What he says will be written by someone with a lot of knowledge and well researched.