Saturday, August 10, 2024

DEI Training at Compass

Putting this up as a community service to all you clueless DEI advocates

DEI is a dangerous ideology—so dangerous that our leaders should regard it as a threat to national security, not an imperative of it.

We need to identify as Americans, first and foremost. We should not be expected or incentivized to identify as "intersectional," nor by our skin color nor our gender identity, but DEI forces us to regard ourselves as such.

Compass DEI Training: Embracing Inclusivity and Understanding

Compass is hosting its Introduction to the LGBTQ+ Community Cultural Competency Training on August 15 from 5-8 PM.

This session will cover Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Sexual Orientation, and provide guidance on being an effective ally. Open to all individuals and community members, this training aims to foster inclusivity.

Registration is required for $45.00

Click to sign up

Now, all you city commissioners and Mayor hurry to sign up.


Anonymous said...

They are a racket, the ceo makes millions and pushes all on drugs big pharma pays him millions, they are scum of the earth!

Anonymous said...

Compass is a scam on gays and minorities! They only care about $!

Anonymous said...

White people need to start having more babies. It's as simple as that. Until that happens, this country is doomed.

Forward thinker. said...

Compass is a joke, even to us gay adults.

Anonymous said...

Mcvoy and Diaz will be the first to sign up

Anonymous said...

Compass dupes it's clients and the public!

Anonymous said...

My AA friend said compass pushed them out, they had to switch to a different venue. She said compass is not very nice to seniors or alcoholics.