Saturday, August 24, 2024

Blue State releases criminal Illegal

Illegal alien rapist walks away scot-free in this blue state after ignoring federal law

Democrat politicians seem willing to do just about anything to increase the flood of illegal immigrants into the country.

And they don’t seem to care at all what damage it does, or who it hurts.

Now this county in a deep blue state released an illegal alien rapist after ignoring federal law.

Law enforcement officials in Charles County, Maryland, released a convicted rapist living unlawfully in the state. They did so after ignoring a request to hand him over to deportation officers.

The Guatemalan national was convicted of second-degree rape and sentenced to 20 years in prison by the Circuit Court for Charles County, according to ICE.

But then, shockingly, the court then suspended his prison sentence to just 190 days.

Read about it... It seems, no one is safe from illegal criminals in the blue state of Maryland.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...