Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Joe's Farewell Speech

Emotional Joe Biden cries then mangles his words during swansong speech

He's bumped off primetime in final humiliation for dumped president

President Joe Biden cried, shouted and mangled his words as his swan song speech at the Democratic National Convention was delayed until the dead of night in a stinging blow after he dropped out of the race.

The president began by wiping away a tear as his daughter Ashley introduced him in front of thousands of fans in the United Center chanting 'we love Joe'.

His eyes also visibly watery during parts of his farewell speech, as the oldest president in US history was overcome with emotion.

Read more... and see the videos


Anonymous said...

Didn't watch it-too late

Anonymous said...

Good riddance! He belongs in jail! He deserves all the shame dishonor and humiliation he gets, such a slave for Satan! The Dems are demonic, morally sick, demented and deranged! They will pay for all their sins!

Anonymous said...

All of these Conventions are incredibly boring, and I find it alarming that I am more or less forced to watch them. Thank God for Shark Tank. Such low life inhabits our public offices, that I wonder that we continue to exist as a country.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan but for all the man has been through as people mock his age and his slowing down, as an oldster I feel for him. If I'm lucky enough to get to his age, I hope people don't make fun of me and call me names. I don't know what has happened to this country but we've become an ugly society full of mean, cynical people.

Lynn Anderson said...

Unfortunately, Joe was a danger to our country and to the world. Jill and those around him should have convinced him to step down eons ago. But power to them was more important.

Anonymous said...

Sleepy Joe who wouldn't come out of his basement was "a danger to our country and the world" probably would be funny if you weren't voting for a convicted felon who tried to overturn an election.

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:;41...he hasn't been sentenced yet in this political witch hunt. And there is nothing funny about Joe Biden or Kamala...