Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pelosi gets cut off in middle of live Interview

Nancy Pelosi Goes Silent in the Middle of Live TV Interview as the Phone Goes Dead

Pelosi can rant and rave against Trump all she wants to. She can also falsely pretend that she has some kind of moral superiority over him.

In reality, Pelosi only despises Trump because unlike Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, he’s not a puppet for her and the rest of the Democrat establishment. If Trump wins the election, Pelosi will lose the control of the White House that she’s enjoyed for the past four years.

It’s likely that Pelosi being cut off in this podcast appearance was nothing more than a technical difficulty. That being said, it’s still fun to see an interview go wrong for her. If anyone deserves to get publicly knocked down a peg, it’s Nancy Pelosi!

  • Nancy Pelosi gets cut off mid-interview.
  • Pelosi had been trying to lay out her “three Ms” that Harris needs to win whcih are actually “message, mobilization, money.”
  • Pelosi had spent much of the interview shamelessly bashing Trump. And finally, the line went dead.
Read about Nancy


Anonymous said...

Ironically the Dems are so morally deficient in all, complete slaves for Satan, like the one they mentioned on citizens free press and revolver news, one Dem on live tv said he hoped that the wife and girls of Vance get raped, how sick can you be, pelosi remember tore up President Trump's speech at a state of the Union, they are nasty low class uneducated, scrum of the earth! Sick puppies deranged!

Anonymous said...

She has a lot of sins to repent and confess, she is not a good person, God and many of us know, we can see her evil in actions and words, she will likely go to hell!

Anonymous said...

She is another major alcoholic!