Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kamala Interview on CNN

Even in a Rigged Interview, Kamala Flops Big Time

Kamala Harris has once again proven that she’s not up to the task of leading the nation.

In what can only be described as a catastrophic interview, Harris, along with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, failed miserably to present a coherent vision for the country.

What makes this even more astounding is that the interview was carefully staged, pre-scripted, and edited, yet Harris still couldn’t deliver.

This isn’t just a minor slip-up; it’s a glaring example of how out of touch and unprepared she is, even with the full backing of a complicit media.

Let’s not mince words: this interview was a disaster. Harris and Walz were given every possible advantage—pre-recorded segments, friendly questions from CNN’s Dana Bash, and the luxury of time to prepare—and yet, they still managed to flop.

Harris’s performance was so bad that it’s a wonder the mainstream media hasn’t outright buried it. But of course, that’s not how things work when you’ve got the media in your pocket.

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