Thursday, August 29, 2024

Democrats have Cause for Concern

Halperin Reveals Shocking News About Dems’ Worst Nightmare Ahead

Journalist and author Mark Halperin revealed during a recent live stream that the Democratic Party may be in a “scary position” this November as polls show Vice President Kamala Harris is not performing as strongly as expected in key swing states.

Halperin explained that while Harris may be leading “on paper,” she is well within the margin of error in several crucial battleground states and could face a potential deficit by mid-September.

According to Halperin, “there’s some public polling already, there’s more coming… there’s some private polling that suggests that nationally, [Harris is] not ahead.” He went on to emphasize that in these states, Trump is currently “ahead in all the Sun Belt states, and ahead in Pennsylvania and competitive in Michigan and Wisconsin.”

This, Halperin argued, could put Trump on a “single path to 270 electoral votes” and pose a major concern for the Democratic Party in the final stretch before Election Day.

One possible reason for Harris’ lackluster performance in these crucial states could be her delayed release of an official policy platform and her avoidance of in-depth interviews with the press.

Republican Senator Tom Cotton noted during a recent ABC News interview that Harris has not publicly renounced her far-left views from the 2020 campaign, instead leaving it to her aides to address the issue.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark is so smart, he is top dog on all, wise beyond measure!