Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Left turning MAGA into a hate symbol

The Left want to turn MAGA into a literal hate symbol

The Democrat Media Complex has spewed anti-Donald Trump propaganda for nine years.

The propaganda has been so thick that Democrats want people to associate a MAGA hat with a swastika.

That’s why there have been so many instances of unhinged leftists attacking people with MAGA hats, snatching them off people’s heads, and other outrageous behavior.

And a black Trump supporter named Aura Moody was denied entry to a New York Mets game at Citi Field for donning a MAGA cap. She and friend were told to take them off and they couldn't even put them in their purse.

Moody told The Post, “The United States of America is no longer the vehicle of freedom and tolerance. . .I am living under a communist regime where our freedoms are trampled upon. . .that was the first thought that came to my mind.”

Read about it...



Anonymous said...

The far leftist and far rightist have to take each other out the sooner the better, let’s get it on freaks!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Someone had their Trump cap snatched off their head? Goodness, gracious. What is this world coming to?

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:35...the Left are all the problem. They will be beaten on Nov 5

Anonymous said...

Their hate has destroyed this country! They forget what MAGA stands for! Such slaves to this world!

Anonymous said...

Praying you are right Lynn!

Dan Volker said...

I don't normally wear hats....but I do have a MAGA hat, and I will start wearing it more often. I would love to have one of these simpering little leftist losers attempt to yank a hat off of my head--they would get knocked out in that same instant, and I'd have a big smile on my face --This is still America, it is still illegal for a member of the public to attempt to steal from another....the cap stealing is essentially an instance of "Stand and Deliver" theft, even if done for leftist ideology---and Americans have the right to defend themselves from such theft. We even have the right to ENJOY this..And, once unconscious, I would call the police and have them arrested for attempted theft and anything else the State Attorney could accompany this with.