Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Remember in November

The Reason Democrats Want Illegal Aliens

By Greg Kruse

More illegal immigration will eventually give Democrats an electoral edge over their political opposition. It is not only about securing the votes of these individuals. Yes, when they manage to shove through another amnesty providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, they will most likely win the majority of those votes.


More immigrants would also give Democrats more electoral votes in presidential elections and could result in more seats in Congress. The idea is that the people who cross the border are more likely to gather in blue states with sanctuary cities. This way, they do not have to worry about deportation as much as they would in other areas of the country.

This influx would inflate the populations of these states. These individuals would be counted on the Census as residents, which could allow these states to have more seats in the House of Representatives while also granting them more electoral votes – especially when legalized and illegal immigrants start having more children. This is because each U.S. House Representative represents approximately 747,000 in population.

Democrats are not pushing for open borders out of the kindness of their bleeding hearts. They are doing it for political expediency toward total One-Party control forcing Marxism, Socialism, and Communism on ALL who live in the USA.

This is why they turn a deaf ear when skyrocketing crime, fentanyl and other drugs, and child sex trafficking is brought up. If Conservatives don’t win the Presidency, House, and Senate in November 2024, you can kiss your FREEDOM GOODBYE‼️‼️‼️ Ya gotta vote. I’m not exaggerating.

The more you know. The more you vote TRUMP-VANCE and MAGA Republicans 2024.

Remember in November!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, voting all maga and Republican, can't stand these slaves and baby killer supporters!

Anonymous said...

Democrats only represent hate hypocrisy and lawlessness anyone voting to support any of that have to be slaves for Satan. Please pray for our country and world please make America great again vote for President Trump he's our last great hope for this great country!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting

Anonymous said...

For 8 years the Democrats have done nothing but hate, they have destroyed this country, such haters and deranged hypocrites, all they push is demonic, why would any one decent vote Democrat? Pure evil slaves for Satan!

Anonymous said...

This is just a football that the Democrats and Republicans kick back and forth. This isn't a new problem; it's been going on for years. Any fool can see that if they wanted to really do something, the wall would have been built by now. Half of them will probably be working on Chinese owned farms in the US. Don't be so naive as to think this is just a Republican or Democrat issue. If it hadn't been a long-term problem, then who are the Dreamers? What was the Ronald Reagan amnesty?
Obviously, we can't get low wage Europeans anymore, so what is the solution? Central America!