Sunday, August 25, 2024

Democrats planning to steal another election

Report: Democrats Allegedly Plan to Use ‘Ghost Registrations’ for 2024 Election Fraud

Investigative journalist Jim Hoft claims Democrats are planning to use fraudulent voter registration operations, dubbed ‘ghost registrations,’ to influence the 2024 presidential election.

Investigative journalist Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundit has released a report alleging that the Democratic Party is preparing to use fraudulent voter registration methods, referred to as ‘ghost registrations’, as part of a strategy to influence the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

Hoft’s investigation suggests that these tactics could play a pivotal role in the upcoming election, raising concerns about the integrity of the electoral process.

According to Hoft, the Democrats’ approach involves numerous far-left voter registration groups operating across the United States.

These groups are allegedly involved in manufacturing fake registrations that can be used to generate votes, a method that Hoft claims was also employed during the 2020 election. “Democrats found an easy way to manufacture votes—fake registrations and mailboxes,” Hoft wrote in his report.

Read about it and how they are going to steal 2024...


Anonymous said...

It must be great to be MAGA. You never lose an election because when you do, you just claim that it's rigged or there are ghosts and/or millions of undocumented immigrants voting and you cry about it until the next election.

Lynn Anderson said...

@2:47...When Biden gets the most votes in the history of our country, it is easy to believe that there was massive fraud. There were more votes than actual people voting. Do you read what's going on with the illegals registered to vote? The rigging in 2020? It's been documented.

Anonymous said...

There are not millions of illegals voting. There was no "rigging." These are things that exist in your head and on the right wing websites you follow...but they are not real. Biden got a historic turnout because people hate Trump. You guys don't get it but Americans can't stand him or the people who vote for him. Just like you and your friends can't stand Democrats. There's just less of your kind than there is of ours. Fortunately, that also means a majority of Americans still love this country, our democracy and the principles on which it was built.

Anonymous said...

They will try to steal it again!

Anonymous said...

It's ironic that their hate is so profound that they think cheating is okay just to not allow President Trump the office. Plus the Media is complicit with all of this! Pray for the USA MAGA!

Lynn Anderson said...

Anonymous who continues to try and post lies, please stop your harassment here. Not afraid of you...just don't like your BS. My call; not yours.

Lynn Anderson said...

@4:26...did anyone say "millions of illegals voting?" Just do your research. As far as American can't stand Trump, 77 million voted for him in the last election. NO one is for communism in our country other than you Democrats. Why not tell us why you do. You hate America.

Anonymous said...

You've said millions of illegals voted in 2020. Many times. Right here.

I stand by my statement that Americans hate Trump.

Ask yourself this: what party repeats Putin's talking points and tries to overthrow an election? Sounds ALOT like communists, no?

Lynn Anderson said... me

Anonymous said...

Show you? Arizona, NY,'ve claimed illegals voted just about everywhere. The problem with dishing so much BS each day is that after a while you can't remember it all.

Lynn Anderson said... can't show me because I never said "millions" of illegals voted. DEMS really need to calm down.

Anonymous said...

Dems are demonic, such slaves for Satan! They lie a lot!

Anonymous said...

Do you research it has been proven in Ga, pa, and mi