Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dickhead goes low and mocks Trump's Privates

Barack Obama sets internet alight as DNC viewers accuse him of making very crude joke about Trump's privates

Barack Obama returned to the limelight Tuesday night with a speech at the DNC that set the internet on fire when many believed he made a crude joke about Donald Trump.

The 44th president was running what sounded less like a speech in favor of Kamala Harris and more like a puerile roast of Trump when he laughed at his successor's 'weird obsession with crowd sizes'.

Obama started to motion with his hands from large to small, before looking down and catching what he was doing as the partisan liberal crowd roared with approval.

Conservative commentator Todd Starnes called Obama 'weird' and 'creepy' for having weighed in 'on the size of President Trump's private parts.


Anonymous said...

One more example of MAGA being more than happy to dish it out but unable to take it. Big, big talkers until they get a taste of their own medicine and then they cry.

Lynn Anderson said...

Haven't seen or heard of Trump talking about the size of Obama's or Biden's dick...just that they are the worst and made our country weak.

Anonymous said...

All we hear about is how Mala uses sex to advance her career she is a slut, heels up harris is her nickname, wonder how many abortions this baby killer supporter has had?

Anonymous said...

No dem can get the crowd size President Trump gets! Obama is jealous Trump is well endowed!

Lynn Anderson said...

@3:18 pm...stop trying to post your BS here.