Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Senator Tom Cotton speaks out against Kamala for hiding her positions

Tom Cotton Slams Kamala Harris for Hiding Radical Campaign Promises

Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton appeared on ABC News Sunday and pointed out that Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to distance herself from her once far-left views. Cotton challenged host Jonathan Karl’s claim that Harris has moved away from the far-left policies she supported in 2020 while running for president.

During the interview, Karl said, “This is not a radical convention. She – as you heard me go through with Bernie Sanders, she is not taking the positions of the far left of her party. She’s clearly making an effort to move to the middle.”

Cotton responded, “I did hear what you said to Senator Sanders, and I thought it was clear that he was very disappointed that she’s taking these efforts not to change her positions, but to hide her positions, Jon.

The American people are totally justified to conclude that Kamala Harris is a dangerous San Francisco liberal based on what she campaigned on the last time she ran for president and what this administration has done the last four years.”


Anonymous said...

Right notice how now she has changed her position on all, like no tax on tips or wanting to build the wall, she is a hypocrite, she could care less, all lies, she is the biggest tramp and sellout, how can anyone trust her? Why would they?

Anonymous said...

She is a proven failure!