Sunday, August 25, 2024

Communist Newsom wants to give taxpayer funded home loans to Illegals

California’s Taxpayer-Funded Home Loans for Illegal Immigrants Spark Outrage

The California Senate Appropriations Committee, dominated by Democrats, has advanced AB 1840, a bill designed to extend the California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan program to unlawful immigrants.

This program, initiated last year, offers first-time homebuyers a loan equivalent to 20% of the house’s purchase price for downpayment or closing cost.

Should the bill pass and be signed into law, all illegal migrants calling California home would be eligible to apply.

“California has once again placed illegal immigration and fiscal recklessness ahead of its citizens’ needs, while facing a whopping $60 billion deficit that will inevitably fall on the taxpayers,” said San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond.

Read about Governor NewScum's priorities

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If heels up harris wins all the USA will be communist too, that is what the elitist want pray for the USA MAGA!