Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Reminder from Republican candidate for Congress Dan Franzese

Why We Need to Fire Lois Frankel

• Failed to Protect Our Borders: Lois Frankel’s policies have left our borders vulnerable and our communities less safe.
• Supports Higher Taxes: Frankel has consistently voted for higher taxes that burden hardworking families and small businesses.
• Inflationary Spending: Her reckless spending has fueled the inflation crisis, hurting our seniors and everyone on a fixed income.

What Dan Franzese Stands For

• Securing Our Borders: I will fight tirelessly to protect our borders and keep our communities safe.
• Lowering Taxes: I believe in putting more money back in the pockets of hard-working Americans.
• Fighting Inflation: By ending wasteful spending and supporting American energy, I’ll work to bring down prices and strengthen our economy.

Dan Franzese
Republican Candidate for Florida’s 22nd Congressional District


Anonymous said...

Yes fire this baby killer supporter she is evil supporting murder!

Anonymous said...

I can't see where he has any influence on prices. Neither party has a clue. If you had watched Squawk Box this morning, you would know that. Maybe he wants to do away with clean water!

Lynn Anderson said...

@10:02... Cut government spending and eliminate the billions of $$$ Biden/Harris wastes and the wild expensive policies they advocate..

Anonymous said...

I've been for Dan from Day One unlike some people who badmouthed him before the primary. It's nice to see that they're now on board.

Lynn Anderson said...

@1:15...I want a Republican to win whether I voted for Deborah Adeimy who lost. Dan will lose to Lois.