I know you should not be accountable for the sins of your father--even Victoria Gotti says that she is ashamed of her late father and never knew about all his mob deals and murders, first visiting him in prison when she was around seven. Her father, when he died, left her very well off in spite of it all. Growing up, most of your values are taught by your parents--intrinsic values, the core of what you are; the family instills a lot of life lasting lessons.
In today's Palm Beach Post there is another article regarding Shanon Materio who was just appointed to the West Palm Beach commission seat of the late Bill Moss. The article also touches on her father:
Materio is a New Jersey native who has lived in West Palm Beach for 36 years. Her father, Joseph Silvestri, made headlines in 2003, when he was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for his role in a $50 million money laundering and wire fraud scheme. He was released early in 2008 and lives in Port St. Lucie.
Silvestri also served 19 months in prison in the early 1980s for his role in the Abscam scandal. He was convicted of leading congressmen to undercover FBI agents who then offered the politicians bribes.
Abscam (sometimes ABSCAM) was a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) sting operation run from the FBI's Hauppauge, Long Island, office in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The operation initially targeted trafficking in stolen property but was converted to a public corruption investigation.The investigation ultimately led to the conviction of a United States Senator, five members of the House of Representatives, one member of the New Jersey State Senate, members of the Philadelphia City Council, and an inspector for the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Source: Wikipedia
In 2005, Diana Fernandez, the prosecutor who put away mob figures and worked in south Florida, passed away. "The cast of criminals she sent to prison was colorful, to say the least. It includes John Galatolo, a Sicilian cocaine dealer with connections to Colombian drug lords; Juan Almeida, who teamed with reputed Russian mobster Ludwig "Tarzan" Fainberg to ferry drugs in a submarine; and Joseph Silvestri, a real estate developer and Abscam alumni who, upon his conviction for money laundering and wire fraud, collapsed in a Fort Lauderdale courtroom." Source: Sun Sentinel
Kimberly Mitchell, her friend and another commissioner, was quoted in today's Post, "...the appointment (Shanon Materio) signified the commission's desire for a strong independent member who won't necessarily go along with the mayor's and staff's recommendations."
As Shanon summed it up after her appointment, "Nobody tells me what to do or how to do it" ...a lesson well learned.
Every time I think you've scraped the bottom of the barrel you seem to find a new low.
People around town and on the blogs joke about it a lot but you really are a sick person.
I decided to allow that stupid comment to go through. I didn't write anything that wasn't already written. Do you have something against the truth? Tell the same thing to the Sun Sentinel or to the PB Post. Go fly a kite.
For Gods' sake. Let's cover up all of the truth in this city. We have scraped the bottom of the barrel by allowing the questionable characters who already ruined our city from years ago get back into power. If you notice, and if you connected the dots, they would all lead to one happy and corrupt family. Wasn't it Scott who had a web site about connecting dots? In this city, the scourge has the power again. What a shame. Now you know why Sun Recycling gave campaign donations to certain people. At least Materio will busy somewhere else.
hahaha, that's Mary Lindsay next to her in that photo in the newspaper.
Very sad, but not a surprise, one often becomes who their family was, the ambition is already there, comes from her, "As Shanon summed it up after her appointment, "Nobody tells me what to do or how to do it" ...a lesson well learned."
Very sad and contraversial, this won't be the end of all of this int he news. Thanks Lynn for sharing the truth here.
As an infamous bulldog said, truth hurts. Truth can't be suppressed and why should it. It all eventually catches up. The question of the day is, why did the Palm Beach Post come out with this information the day after Materio was appointed?
I doubt if people are joking about truth. If they are, anony #1, you are as sick as they are and as sick as Dale.
Who's Dale? Did I miss something?
"Nobody tells me what to do or how to do it."
Sounds like this lady is on a major ego trip from this quote. Wouldn't be surprised if she wheels and deals like some other WPB commissioners did and ends up in jail too someday like her dad.
It is hard to trust business people and politicians, they always have other motives, greed, corruption, power, and control on their mind. After seeing this quote from this lady, nothing she does would surprise me. Doesn't sounds alike a good person to me. What influence did she use to get this seat? Nothing would surprise me now knowing the family she comes from.
oh yes, I'm totally independent. I don't lean either way. Except that I hate Cara Jennings and I chaired a PAC that sent hit pieces on McVoy and Mulvehill. And I show up at LW city hall to shriek at the commissioners when they don't do what I I I want. But other than that, I'm a blank page ;)
Oh, and nobody tells me what to do. Except for Mary Lindsey. :) And Kim Mitchell. She's my friend, you know, but I won't vote with her just because. It's not like we see things the same way ;). She just voted for me because I'm such a smart and independent thinker.
Oh, and I'm not too busy to serve for 6 months, but I'm way too busy to actually run in an election and let the voters decide :). Cuz I'm livin' la gran vida. So I probably won't run in November ;).
Funny how qualifications don't matter for for commissioners, but they're oh so critically important for people on P & Z. Maybe we should elect P & Z and have them appoint commissioners.
Lets all do the conect the dot Polka!!! Jeff (how did I afford to run for office)Clemmons/Shannon Materio,,,,Dave( I just wanna have a cocktail by my ocenfront condo pool) Vespo/ Shannon Materio,,,, Joan Oliva (headmisstress of the CRA)/Shannon materio...Sun recycling/Shannon materio,,,Mary Lindsey/Shannon Materio,,,,nasty,illegal,expensive campaign flyers/Shannon Materio,,,Puggy the developer skulking in the backgound to steal our public beach/Shannon Materio,,,, etc. etc. Shannon Materio was the polka queen connected to SO MUCH questionable stuff-Come on everybody join our connect the dots Polka Chain!!!!
To 9:40 A.M. and others, back off. Printing truth is not sick and Shanon is not her father.
Did I hear the news wrong? Is Mrs. Materio a new commissioner in Lake Worth? I thought she was appointed to the City of West Palm Beach City Commission. If so, why all the attacks on someone who isn't part of our city government? Just goes to show that the haters in Lake Worth are against anyone, anywhere who they don't agree with.
The FBI really needs to investigate this woman and all of her connections!!!
Shanon was the power behind the Commissioners in Lake Worth. She also made a LOT of citizens tax dollars disappear down the drain with her fellow board members on the CRA which was led at the time by Jeff Clemens,who now just happens to be running for state office. Her connections should be investigated.They included large developers in the State of Florida and bank vice presidents .It would be interesting if someone could investigate if Shanon profited at all from her time on the CRA.
Lynn I am sooo disappointed. I thought you were above this type of journalism. We need not agree but to print this is, I have no words for this. I am deeply disappointed and I do not hide behind anonymous.
Jealousy is such a sad and ugly quality. You all who just want to tear down others are such sorry, sad, LOSERS. Especially Anon @2:32pm. All that time you spend coming up with catchy names for all those people who actually put out their personal time, money, and lives to serve their community, you should try to find something more positive to do. But I would guess that you are perfect, so you have so much time to criticize others. I am proud to say I personally know almost every one of the people you listed, they are all honest, giving, hard working people who care for their community. You, on the other hand, well, I won't waste the time to come up with a fancy nickname for you. Not worth the effort.
I believe it needed to be mentioned as many people do not subscribe to the Post nor do they go on-line. Why should people just get passes?
Anna Maria--I have said to you before that everything is about politics. I printed exactly what was in the PB Post and other articles. Would you rather that everyone just ignore facts? That's how we get into so much trouble. It is up to the reader to draw his own conclusions. You drew yours.
Ms. Materio has politically gone against my issues and my candidates with a vengeance I might add: The Super Majority, Amendment 4, Christopher McVoy and Suzanne Mulvehill. Did you get upset when Shanon put out the Mad Scientist flier against Christopher McVoy. Did you get sooo disappointed with her and tell her so? At least what was written here was the truth.
I am not going to roll over to the truth which is more than the BAC PAC did.
So Jealous, jealous of what? That's all you people do is put down good people with ugly comments that go against all common decency. It's your method of operation. You can't stand it when someone goes against you. Get out of the kitchen or check into the first mental clinic you run into.
"Did I hear the news wrong? Is Mrs. Materio a new commissioner in Lake Worth? I thought she was appointed to the City of West Palm Beach City Commission. If so, why all the attacks on someone who isn't part of our city government? Just goes to show that the haters in Lake Worth are against anyone, anywhere who they don't agree with."
Give us all a break, these Materio's are from am organized Italian mob group from Italy and NYC/NJ they have lots of money and power. They affect LW greatly, influence a lot here, from the TRNA to the city as a whole, they use their influence, power, money, and mob tactics to get what they want. It is not about hate, it is about control and power and the Materio's not just Shannon, her husband too, push their weight around, look what they do in TRNA and the city as a while, using McMow Glass like they are some "good" business helping our community, it is all a shady scam and big Italian mob organization behind the scences, stop being so naive all, they have their motives and a lot of money power and connections to influence greatly tight here in Lake Worth too, they do it daily, I do not give them any credibility, they are bad news for our community too.
Anon @12:52 -
If you have ANY facts to back up ANY of your slander against McMow and the Materios, please let it be known.
They work so hard and McMow is a wonderful business to have in Lake Worth. They are hired to restore stained glass in churches and landmarked properties all over the east coast. They helped restore Vizcaya in Miami to it's original glory, among so many others.
They are artisans.
The accusation that McMow is a front for the 'Mob' is out of control and slander unless you come up with some proof. So?
Materio is a public figure. No one should be leaving her alone. She can take the heat. We all have a need to know the background and family of public officials. The Lake Worth Herald whose publisher has always been on the questionable side of politics here can give her the pass. The Post didn't. Good for them.
I have known this family for sixty years. There is always a scheme of some kind going on in the family.
I knew Joe Silvestri as a child growing up for years. Sharon and I were children growing up. She is a good person. I have not talked to her as an adult but I do know her father worked for my father for many years. My father was also connected and I moved away to have a life of my own. I am ashamed of my father and would never do what he did. Sharon I wish you the very best. Sherry Sabatino
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