Animal care and Control killed our abandoned friend, Buddy. After telling us on May 10th that he had been accepted into the Adoption Program and that his wounds were being treated, etc., they took our donation. We were not allowed to apply the money towards any specific animal...it had to go into the general pot. "Fair enough," I said. After all they have accepted him for adoption--he has a chance in this world.
Yesterday I called them to find out how "Buddy" was doing and was promptly told they had put him down. When asked through tears of shock, the answer was "Another doctor looked at him and determined that he had an injury to a ligament to his rear left leg. When he was found and when he was delivered to Animal Care & Control, he was walking just fine.
I realize that the budget has been reduced at this department but to kill a dog just because he is considered unnecessary in this world or because he was part pit bull, a breed in abundance there, is a horrendous revelation of what's going on at a Palm Beach County "care" facility that is making life and death decisions regarding poor innocent animals.
As I am still waiting for the Veterinarian who made the decision that buddy's little life was not worth saving to give me a call of explanation, I am deeply saddened that I made the wrong decision by bringing him there. As he gave us a lick on the cheek and wagged his tail the day we found him, he looked to us to help him. We let him down. For that I will have a lifetime of regret.
So sad, but PBC Animal Control is not a "no kill" facility. For those who may find themselves in a similar situation in the future, go to Peggy Adams Animal Rescue, Safe Harbor - Jupiter, or Tri-County Animal - Boca Raton.
Virginia Sayre, Vet, just called me minutes ago. Of course, there was absolutely NO sympathy to the situation. "If I had known there was someone with an interest in the dog..."
After giving her my opinion on the situation and regarding policy there, I told her that we would never recommend anyone taking an animal to them in the future...that NO Kill facilities were being researched and would be recommended. She said that was a good idea. We both hung up simultaneously.
Must be nice to play God.
Your story was heartbreaking. First, you did not let the dog down -- you were lied to and the dog was killed by a system that doesn't care. I feel so bad for Buddy. I feel so bad for you. Buddy looked like a good dog.
By the way, you mention pit bull. Pit bulls were at the turn of the century considered America's dog -- the RCA logo of the dog listening to the Victrola is a pit bull, I believe the dog in the Buster Brown shoes was a pit bull, and I know you know that the Our Gang dog was a pit bull. Cesar Milan really likes Pit Bulls. Some are to be avoided, but some are so sweet and affectionate that they are beyond adorable.
Dogs give us so much, and so, so often, people betray them (Animal Control betrayed them).
Peggy Adams sends animals to Animal Care and Control to dispose of them. I would think that being such a knowledable person you would have contacted Pitbull Rescue which is accessed via internet. Guess you know best about everything. Surprised you aren't trying to blame this on Maxwell!
To the "Know It All" person above, take your venom somewhere else. I posted your comment to show
1. that you are a bloody coward.
2. that you are a totally insensitive boob and bore
3. that it's too bad you're not an animal sent to Animal Care & Control.
As it is very apparent that you don't even like your Mother, can you please just dry up?
Anony at 4:08--is this the King himself posting a stupid comment?
Have you ever seen how many Pitbills are in Animal Shelters? They have a small chance of adoption. Theu do get a bad rap but just in the News yestetday there was an incident of a Pitbull biting an imfant's face. Unfortunately many Pitbull owners do not believe in spaying or neutering their pets. You cannot blame the vet for putting dowm a probably unadoptable dog with medicable problems. Why didn't you try to find a home for Buddy on this blog?
Whether or not you agree with Commissioner Maxwell's politics, no one can say he does not LOVE dogs. He always "greets" Lake Worth dogs visiting downtown businesses with their owners.
You and I don't see much eye to eye, But I feel your pain in what you wrote. Our animals are our kids very often. You became attached very quickly to "Buddy". It is a nasty fact of life there are too many animals, dogs and cats, that are even less fortunate than Buddy. At least he was loved by you and showed compassion by your actions. Is he just one of 100 killed that day? 1000?
Thanks for showing your compassionate side. You let it slip once in a while.
I put the first notice of this dog up last week with all the particulars. I live in a condo with no pets allowed. We did have a possible person to adopt this dog but now there is NO chance of that.
You sound like a Democrat that likes to twist things around and blame Bush or Republicans for everything that has gone south.
Any abandoned dog that has been running around outside for some time will pick up some medical problems. They are treatable. This veterinarian made a decision to KILL this dog because it was a pit bull mix and therefore this dog had to go.
Did you contact Pitbull Rescue?
Palm Beach county.For "Dr."Sayre to try to turn things around on Lynn Anderson,who thought she was giving this dog at least a little chance ,was cowardly,uncaVet Dr. Virginia Sayre was lying her uncaring ass off.I saw the dog in question. There was NOTHING ,I repeat NOTHING wrong with the dog's gait . That dog was walking moving sitting,getting UP from sitting just fine.I questioned a vet whom will remain anonymous about a "ligament injury" that would require 2600 dollars worth of repair. That Vet said the dog would have been ,at the very least, seriously limping. The dog did however have an ear infection that would have needed treatment.The bottom line is that animal control did not have the time, budget ,or the will to help yet another abandoned pit bull in ring, and wrong.And to the ass hole poster above- Pitbull rescue, WAS called,and they are no longer taking in animals.I urge EVERYONE reading this blog to contact County Commissioner Shelley Vana. Ms.Vana is an animal lover who has adopted unwanted animals herself.Virginia Sayre and the county Animal Control does not need one more DIME of my tax dollars. The county should partner with and fund the private no-kill facilities in the county.And I ,personally, will NEVER NEVER call the county about an animal again.EVER!Katie
This is about a dead dog, not Scott Maxwell. Get over your undying adoration anony above.
Oh gosh Lynn, what a sad, sad story - certainly a mistake made with the most honest and caring of intentions.
And to the posters who are actually, inexplicably trying to bring Commissioner Maxwell into this....your hatred knows no bounds. There are no excuses for such irrational thought.
Robert Whaples just posted on face book,a list of no kill shelters.
He also said they need volunteers,
maybe this would be a way to get over
your grief.
Lynn, Having personally worked with you on this event I feel just as bad and upset that we were trying to do the right thing for this very sweet dog. As for the people posting about Pit Bull Rescue if we had known about this group then we would have contacted them. Hopefully they have a Facebook Page and I will ad them to my interest group No Kill Palm Beach County. (so thanks for letting us know)
Lynn, I admire that you tried to help the beautiful animal and very sad that it did not end well. Hopefully those who are "Snarky" above will go to and help promote the No Kill Shelters by sharing the information to all they know so that "Buddy" can live on in our hearts by helping other strays and abandon animals.
As for the comments on Mr. Maxwell, I personally know that Scott would be just as upset about this incident as all of us and shocked that anyone would us this particular story of grief to "poke a dead dog" with a stick...Shame on you.
May Facebook page has (again) An interest group No Kill Palm Beach County with about 15 different shelters through out Palm Beach County...Please be a good citizen, neighbor and person but helping us form a plan city wide to battle this very unfortunate situation of a growing number of abandon animals.
With love for all living things and for all of Lake Worth.
Robert Waples
Katie called Pit Bull Rescue. they don't take abandoned dogs.
The person to blame is Buddy's former owner who dumped this dog without a second thought.Almost Every animal in my house came from Animal Care and Control.2 cats were from rescues in NYC which I drove down with me when I moved to LW. I always adopt from there especially the older animals because they don't usually get out of there.While picking up my latest dog, three small kittens came in, one was injured the other 2 were too small. They would have been put to sleep immediately. I said I'll take them. Now almost a year later they are Moondoogie, Midnight and IttyBitty and a delightful addition to my home although unplanned. I am not saying this for accolades to myself I am just saying that helping our unwanted animals isn't always convient or cheap but well worth the extra effort. I have personally paid for cat that someone dumped on the streets in Lake Worth at my vet and then found him a home.As awful as it seems it was more humane to put Buddy to sleep then have him wander around Lake Osborne and end up dying on the street.I don't know the exact number but I think that the shelter on Belvedre must have to deal with like 500 unwanted animals a week. An impossible task. No kills are not the answer either. They are often full and can only take so many in. The real issue is owners who lack responsibility or committment to rehome their pet if circumstances change.Let's work on trying to get the animals adopted out of the shelter on Belvedre as a tribute to Buddy.
Thanks for your post.
I believe that the biggest problem at ACC was the lack of communication. We were told he was going into the adoption program. We had a young couple interested in adopting him. Before the dog had a chance, they killed him--the least costly thing to do. It was a chain of mistakes. I have never found an abandoned dog before and didn't know how to ask the right questions I suppose. Their front office didn't ask me detailed questions either. I believed them. My stupidity.
I love your last idea.
Lynn, you live in a condo that does not allow pets, and you pay no taxes to the city of lake worth....
Tell the Truth once in a while you might be surprised people might actually start liking you for a change
Sorry you are so obsessed with the fact that I live in a condo and pay no ad valorem taxes to LW. I do pay what they tell me to pay. I have addressed this before. This must be Loretta. Do you think I am happy that my condo value went down 60% over a few years? Do you believe that I should call the city and tell them, hey, my value is down so much and I feel so bad, can I pay you a bunch of $$$? Would that make you happy?
We all do the best that we can with the circumstances and our own personal finances.
As far as someone might start liking me? That bothers me. :)
Had you allowed comment's on the first story of Buddy, I would have told you to never send ANY dog there, as they kill aprox. 96 % 0g their animals, anf pitty's go first.
As an owner of 4 LARGE dog's, my Red-nosed pit being the smallest, I sympathize with the unjust killing of any, but most especially the much maligned pit.
PLEASE check this site for info:
Thank you for your cnange of attitude,
John Sullivan
North K St.
Sorry, John. Comments are always allowed. The first story was not interesting enough, I suppose, to draw a comment. Sometimes that is true of life. Also, sometimes I just forget to mention that there is a comment posted. We want to say something but then it becomes too late to take action. I am very happy that there has been so much support against the action of the ACC. Hopefully, they will clean up their act and the public will continue to speak on the subject of killing helpless animals.
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