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Friday, May 25, 2012
Lake Worth Water Rate Study Presentation
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In spite of Vice Mayor Maxwell being political at every opportunity last night as well as trying to find fault with what he believes are high water rates, or even finding anything/something to criticize for our decision to build our Reverse Osmosis, the presentation was positive. No one ever mentioned the Bond that we are repaying for our electric upgrade and our RO that affects rates until paid off. Everyone knew when we built our RO that it would cost a lot of bucks but it was still less than going with Palm Beach County water.
Those cities in the sub-regional sewer system owe us a fortune found by a 2005 audit. Everyone rung their hands as to what to do back then as it involved ten million dollars. All those cities knew they owed us but because they were not billed, failed to pay us and we swept it all under the rug. Four years later after Susan Stanton was hired, she turned over that rug and went after the money.
It was said that by the time the case is settled it will be another two years as we are going through a government process (Chapter 164 Florida Statutes) in order to resolve the issue. Because of this non-payment by regional customers, the rates have been charged to Lake Worth customers and will continue along that vein until this dispute is solved.
We buy water from West Palm Beach that serves the Lake Worth beach. The cost of water, the cost of the pipes and the cost of billing has zero impact on the rest of Lake Worth's customers. Maxwell was very concerned about this.
When asked by Maxwell regarding water at the Park of Commerce, the Assistant Utility Director, Clay Lindstrom said, "We are in a position to provide water and sewer to the Park of Commerce. The Park of Commerce is now Maxwell's number one goal, a switch from slum and blight.
Also stated was that our permits are all in place, another concern of Maxwell's and a myth that has been circulating for quite some time that we needed a permit. We can now formally put that one to rest.
All in all, our water department is looking good, producing the best tasting water around.
Utility Rate Study Update for Lake Worth by Burton & Associates, a firm that does a rate study yearly:
Water System:
Reduce rate adjustment for FY 2013 from 5.25% to 0.00%
Adopt new multi-year schedule of rates as presented through FY 2016
0% in FY 2014, 4.50% in FY 2015 and FY 2016
Regional Sewer System:
Reduce O&M rate adjustment for FY 2013 from 20% to 15%
Continue efforts to receive full payment from members
Consider adopting FY 2014 rate adjustment of 5% as presented herein
Local Sewer System:
Reduce rate adjustments for FY 2013 from 13% to 0%
Do not adopt any future rate adjustments at this time
Dependent upon resolution of Regional Sewer collection issues by FY 2015
All Systems:
Continue to Perform Annual Updates
Account for changes in costs, demands, regulations, etc.

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While the backup was interesting, it was distressing to see that PBC water is cheaper than LW Water.
While decreasing the anticipated increase is nice, the fact is that we are going to pay more for water & sewer next year than we did this year.
It seems that the Sub Regional Sewer Audit will be finalized shortly. The process of collecting the anticipated +/-$1,000,000 in unpaid billimgs will take 2 years unless the new City Manager can develop a working relationship with our municipal customers.
Why did a broke city need a $40 million dollar R.O. plant again? That's the equivalent to a 70 year old on a fixed income buying a $75,000 Porche and expecting her neighbors to pay part of the purchase price and for the gas.
"The Park of Commerce is now Maxwell's number one goal, a switch from slum and blight."
Lynn, I know you do not need to hear this, but you live in his district and if you feel Maxwell is not responsive and accountable to us his constituents, don't vote for him again or run against him. It made me mad this year that he ran unopposed. I agree, all this stuff about him and addressing blight, what is he doing to do this or did he address the blight and is moving on now to other concerns? I still see a lot of blight and unkempt properties and slum owners. A lot of Dixie Hwy and west of city hall on Lake and Lucerne are so blighted and need attention, we have a lot of hoods here, Maxwell and all should be doing more about this, if they can address other issues like water or the Park of Comm. I write to my commissioners and 2 out of 5 of them won't return my e-mails or calls, do you think I will vote for them now when they are up later this year? We deserve quality water, but we also deserve quality attention from our leaders and quality neighborhoods, in the ENTIRE city, not just College Park or Parrot Cove. I agree Maxwell and all should do more about the blight issue too. I would love to know how many receive campaign funding from slum owners who either live in or outside the city?
Anonymous at 11:38--
Please cease with the mis-truths here. Check your facts before posting so recklessly. Thanks.
Anonymous at 11:58-
The new commissioners are the ONLY ones who don't get back to me. Maxwell might return a call if he's in the mood. Answers and concerns are non-existent FROM THE "VISIONARIES."
It was very apparent last night who was on top of the subject--McVoy and Mulvehill.
We have a new CM now--contact him and let him handle his department to clean up the problems in your neighborhood. Go directly to the person who can make the difference. All a commissioner will do is contact Bornstein as they can not give direction to Staff.
Lynn, do you think it possible for someone to do more than one thing at a time?
Maxwell has consistently spoke to the issue of code enforcement and received nothing but lip service from the previous majority who want blighted neighborhoods to serve the folks who deserve to live for free etc. Also, he has constantly spoken to the issue of he park of commerce as well and been met with similar response. Why not give him and the others some breathing room with the new cm to see what can be done. One thing is for sure, blight and economic development anywhere in the city were not of concern to the previous majority as our property values dropped another 6 or so percent.
Get real!
I am perfectly willing to give Scott and Pam and Andy all of the breaks if warranted. Playing BS politics does not cut it for me. Scott has been in office for quite some time now. He was a commissioner before. Was there EVER a difference? These three should be working for the good of this city, not trying to bring it down by politics, bad tempers on the dais along with BS after BS, etc., etc., etc.
Breathing room? They have bulldozed their way here in LW...firing a strong CM...have kicked off the P&Z...stopped the ZIP...etc.
To blame falling property values on 3 previous commissioners is absolutely outrageous and in left field. What a joke. Economic development has always been a concern here. However, we went through a major recession/depression just like the rest of the country. So, give me a break.
Now that the economy is turning a bit, development is starting to happen once again.
So, why not give McVoy and Mulvehill the break from you. I know, it's all Bush's fault too.
I have to say that Christopher and Suzanne were the only ones on top of the subject last night.
You must be kidding me! On top of what? McVoy and Mulvehill wanted to say our rates have gone down. When anyone that can read knows the PROJECTED INCREASE WAS REDUCED. Maxwell was his usual self fighting to make them admit our rates have not gone down.It wasn't pleasant to
watch. I don't know all the anonymous posters on here but they were not at last nights meeting.
Do you think that there is any remote chance that ANYONE was listening at home? ANYONE AT ALL?
If our rates have gone up...what have they gone up to?
Yes,I do believe people listened at home.I wish I had.My statement that they were not at the meeting was only pointing out my frustration at attending the meeting.
McVoy, I am sorry, he is not that great, I live in his district and have written him a few times, he never writes back or responds, does he think now I will ever want to vote for him again? He will never get my vote. I will not vote for elected officials who are not responsive and accountable to us their constituents. WORD OF ADVICE----YOU MUST RETURN CALLS AND E-MAILS MCVOY!
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