The Board just approve the settlement. Additionally, our request to receive settlement payments in lump sum instead of over 18 months was also approved. They agreed to two payments with the first $425k made as soon as all the legal documents are finalized (possibly July) and then the other $425k at end of the fiscal year.
From: Michael Bornstein
It was the excellent efforts of our new city manager,mike Bornstein that made this possible.The amount of the settlement was very low,but at least we don't have monthly installments of that lownumber.Our Commissioners were willing to settle.
Whatever, anonymous.
All Mr. Bornstein did was ask...something that the Commission didn't have the balls to do. You call what our Commission did as "settlement?" Negotiating, NOT.
I will withhold my judgment on this settlement until I have all the facts which would include all the information provided during the shade meetings on this topic. FMPA was under no obligation to change their offer of monthly payments which was accepted by the City Commission.
Susan Stanton would have recovered the entire $100 million the city was owed! Why o why did she have to get fired?
This is great news. Settling disputes like this one allows our Commissioners and CM to focus on the future, not the past, and on more productive issues for LW. Obsessing over past wrongs does nothing but hold you back from future successes. Great job and great decision Commission and CM.
I think it is good that we are working our way through these lawsuits. Now we can get a better picture of what we are up against in the next budget.
The Greater Bay lawsuit I believe will come to trial in Aug-Sept and the Smith Property should also be drawing to a conclusion.
Although the reversal of the Union savings and the lawsuit don't seem as imminent, they will probably get more attention as the others are settled.
2pm, you are full of yourself. 2:13pm, None of this is working our way through law suits.It is rolling over and playing dead.
Did Commissioner Maxwell go to the meeting as promised?
I'm confused. Where did the $100 million figure come from?
I talked to the C.M. and thanked him for going to Orlando and convincing the FMPA Executive Committee to making two payments.One in this fiscal year ending Sept 30th.and one in Oct.in the next fiscal year.The C.M. replied Thank Scott he did the negotiations.
Our hero.
Hero....would that be with two L's?
SM--that's what I like about you the best!
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