Coming up on Tuesday's agenda--
Like we don't have enough Boards in this city, now we get another one. An Electric Utility Advisory Board has been formulated due to pressure from some very loud and vocal public who have jumped on the utility rate bandwagon, moaning and groaning about high electric rates. They believe that possible hanky panky has occurred at our Electric Utility or why then would we have the highest commercial rate in the State if that were not the case? One Neighborhood Association president actually screamed about it while at the lectern because one of his neighbors had an outrageous bill. The lack of civility gets you everywhere in this city.
Why do they want a volunteer board consisting of people who probably won't know anything about generation, voltage, what CROD means, etc? They believe that the entire operation is less than transparent and that we have had untold waste with constant lies coming from Staff. It is being formed to receive and gather information allowing the Board to give advice to the City Commission on various matters that affect the rate payers. It won't have any executive authority; it is only advisory. All five commissioners voted for this Board as the "visionaries" do not trust staff. You have to know when to "fold em." The majority wanted it.
We have seen other boards go by the way-side, i.e., the Finance Advisory Board, starting out with all good intentions only to discover they could not get any information they needed in order to analyze and then render an opinion. We also know that the Freedom of Information Act can be ignored or mitigated by simple statements by staff, "We do not have that information...it does not exist; it is too difficult to acquire or amass; it will cost you small fortunes." Volunteer board members wanting to do the right thing, can get waylaid and hours of research end up in a meaningless pile of uselessness. This Board will be allowed access to "reasonable" information, a subjective term.
The Board will consist of 7 members, 4 of whom are appointed by the commission (3 year terms). They are appointing members from their respective Districts. One At Large member will be appointed by the Mayor for a term of 2 years. These five members must be residents of Lake Worth. There will be one at large Lake Worth business owner (2 year term) and one member representing Palm Springs and the unincorporated area (1 year term). And no one has to be qualified although Staff threw in a few preferred professions into the mix.
Powers and Duties.
a) Serve as a channel of communications between the City Commission, utility department staff, and the citizens of the City of Lake Worth and the business owners of Lake Worth, in order to understand and solve the many complex problems relating to water, sewer and electric utilities;
(b) Promote public access to information on the city facilities, services, policies and programs concerning the future energy needs of the community with respect to the electric utilities;
(c) To review:
- existing and proposed policies, plans and programs of the City of Lake Worth Utilities Department for electric utilities;
- proposed capital improvement plans and programs of the Utilities Department for the electric utilities and electric power plant;
- existing or proposed electric rate changes, electric rate structures, and the electric utilities portion of the annual budget of the Utilities Department;
(e) Perform any other duties which may be within the purview of the committee which may be assigned by the City Commission.
The Chair of this new Board will be chosen by the Commission. It will most likely be Mary Lindsey, community activist, Neighborhood Association President and a volunteer in our City Clerk's office, an advantageous position to learn what's up on many issues. I would be very surprised if she is not nominated for this Board or refuses to accept. Back in 2006 she became a hero to many of us when she studied and became very familiar with our electric utility and took a stand against waste.
And for all of you who bemoan and criticize people who sue for the rights of the people, Mary did just that. She sued the city over the bad decision to upgrade our electric to a 26.4kv that was not industry standard and where we eventually threw $6 million down the toilet. And we cheered her action. She eventually dropped the suit and dropped out of the discussion on our electric utility. Now she is back six years later.
It will be quite an endeavor to investigate our most important asset that contributes $9,582,667 to our general fund so that the City can operate. This very vocal group is now against out-sourcing the Utility customer service department for the sole reason of protecting union labor. It is ironic that their politics persuaded the majority commission to out-source the police and the fire just a few years ago.
Whether this is just another political Board using staff time and resources for the purpose of investigating and promoting the sale of our Electric Utility or for some other political purpose, eventually will be determined. Afterall, one priority of this Board as mentioned above is to promote public access to information on the city facilities, services, policies and programs concerning the future energy needs of the community with respect to the electric utilities. You have to go into this volunteer role with an open mind rather than for all the wrong reasons. You can make a case for or against anything.
We had a Utility Board 20 years ago that was an abject failure. It is the belief now by the Visionaries that the new city manager they hired will allow these volunteers access to information and give them the clout to develop their case. I would bet that Becky Mattey, Utility Director, will be glad to leave in two weeks.
Failures of the past do not mean there will be failures in the future. The new advisory board could be an good education tool for the public so Lake Worth residents will understand the Utilities operations. And why should we just accept high rates? If we want to improve our city, we have to get the electric rates down to encourage new business and new home owners.
Lynn, you make some valid points, but I believe there are some overriding considerations.
First and foremost, Michael Bornstein is a breath of fresh air with respect to transparency and accountability. Staff also classifyies him as "an infrastructure guy". I hope he will eliminate the problems FAB had with Staff.
It was recently revealed that before Stanton left, she transferred the cost of alley maintenance to the Utilities. Although this fres up money in the General Fund, it is yet another nail in the utility rate coffin. I believe there are many of these situations that need to be unraveled.
Also, everybody I know thinks the annual $1,500,000 Conservation program is a waste of time, people and money.
You point about a $9,000,000 utility contribution is critical, but I am hoping proper management will significantly eradicate that need.
As said, time will tell. Everyone who volunteers for a city board goes in with good intentions and hopes to make a difference.
I, too, was originally against the Conservation Dept. Now I believe that it is necessary to stay in place until we are totally out of FMPA for all the obvious reasons.
I am not sure I agree with your use of the word "proper management" as I believe we had that in our former CM. Time again will tell depending on what the IA comes up with.
We can only hope that the board will do some good. I have faith that out internal Auditor will reveal a lot.
A while back, I did not know what CROD stood for. I still don't know how it would affect my rates if it went into effect tomorrow. Suffice it to say they would most likely not go down.
Mary Lindsey is a perfect choice for the Board and has said she's applied. So turning the board position is not going to happen.
Our former City Manager wouldn't require her staff to cooperate with the requests for the needed information and therefore the FAB wasn't as effective as it could have been. Even the information that was brought before the commission was disregarded.
Our highly paid UD can't even run her own Customer Service Department, but it's not HER fault.
Let's see if things change with Mr. Bornstein. Put any money on it???
Mary Lindsey is the perfect choice for this board, qualifications or no qualifications.
In all fairness to Mattey, the Utility customer service department did not fall under her management until the last budget. It has been a mess for years. Her suggestion, based on historical data and all the problems there, was to outsource it. The commission should have listened.
Things will probably change under Bornstein because now we won't have Maxwell berating him constantly from the dais and putting him down for every little thing. Watch when the back-up is not there--You won't even get a mention about it from Maxwell. You wanna bet?
I'm definitely a Maxwell supporter, but you MAY have a point. However, I think Mr. Bornstein has brought up the agenda as one of his pet peeves also. I got the impression that due to his professionalism, the chronic problem of not having back-up, the wrong back-up and erroneous back-up to cover herself, this will possibly be few and far between.
YOU wanna bet?
Hope you're right. :) When it comes to gambling, I usually lose.
Lynn, where did you come up with this; "our most important asset that contributes $9,582,667 to our general fund"? At one of our last commission meetings BM said the electric utility brought in 60 Million and contributed back to the general fund 10% of that. LW's CAFR for last year said that the electric utility contributed 4.5 Million. What number is the actual amount. This is just one more reason we need the Electric Advisory Board. The ratepayers or the commission have no idea just where and for what all the money goes.
Until we have competive rates with the rest of the county LW will not be able to dig ourself out of this hole we're in.
The figure came from the Budget. Who is BM?
Maxwell,Maxwell,Maxwell it is always Maxwell.If I remember correctly Ms.Stanton never provided anything he ask for and was rude,and disrespectful of him at every turn.
She had her 3 votes and thought she would be here forever.
Sorry--you have it bad azz backwards--Maxwell was rude to her even before he was elected the first time. I never once witnessed her being rude to him. Name an instance.
On top of that, the CM should not be engaging in politics. She never expected to be anywhere forever but she did believe that the new commissioners would stand by their word--THEY DIDN'T. Who can you trust in politics?
BM, Becky Matty.
Lynn, can't help but bite on this one. When and how do you know Maxwell was rude or disrespectful to Stanton prior to his election?
Sources. Stanton then wished she had a panic button. She had not encountered that sort of hostility before. People used to storm into her offices--thus came the door and the lock. No one respected the fact that her life was threatened. Now that Bornstein has been threatened, different story.
Sources? So stanton didn't tell you herself? And, If she felt threatened, why didn't she call pbso on Maxwell or anyone else? Are there any police reports that speak to these source allegations? Also, Lynn the locked door didn't go up until well after a year had passed on maxwells election.
Well thanks for being a defender of the Vice Mayor. We have seen him over the past 2 years harassing Stanton. Where have you been? You can believe it or not--your choice. Most of us believe that we CAN handle matters when they occur and don't go around calling the PBSO. How stupid is that? You call the cops when someone threatens your life; beats you up, etc...not from a hostile manner emitting from someone sitting in your office. That is why people are murdered everyday by people they know. What prompted the door was when another stellar citizen stormed into her office one day and was belligerent and hostile.
Lynn, could you please respond to Greg Rice's comment?
Which numbers are correct?
And I am sure both Maxwell, and the Stellar citizen, both had reason to storm the office of the former CM
I believe that I said the numbers were taken right off the Budget.
Every citizen has the right to act like an idiot however, they don't have the right to be rude and obnoxious. Everyone knows, if you attend meetings, who the few obnoxious people are.
Lynn, maybe when she said" fuk your friends and fuk you" in a public place.I would call her rude and disrespectful.SOURCE I was there and heard her say it.
Ok, I'm not hear to defend Ms. Stanton. I will, however, defend her action to install a door with a lock for all her reasons. What I would like to know is--what did you say, in what tone did you say it, to provoke an alleged reaction such as that from her? Was it in her office? You know, rational people don't react that way unless provoked beyond reason. They are not doormats to the public. When bullied, you only can take so much.
Lynn, it was in Bizarre Ave. Cafe. where I worked at the time. Commissioner Maxwell said my friends have concerns about your attitude. And she responded fuck your friends, and fuck you. Commissioner Maxwell laughed, and said this meeting is not going the way I thought it would. I did not hear anymore.....
No comment on the last post Lynn? Sort of puts into perspective what a great CM Stanton was.
The ONLY perspective is YOURS. Tell me all the crap she had to listen to that lead up to her missive, if it is true. People aren't walking on water in this life. They are human. There is just so much crap you want to take from wise guys. No one reacts like that to someone unless that someone deserved to be knocked down and kicked in the butt or beaten to a pulp.
Respect begets respect. You take a shot at me, you get a double whammy back. Stanton was ALWAYS nice to me.
Why would she not be nice to you, you were a friend. Why do so many people in this town say she was rude, disrespectful, and flew of the handle?????? Lynn, how many friends did she have? when somebody posts something about Ms. Stanton, you and a damn few others come to her defense how many people at city hall were opposing her being fired???????? Defend her all you want, but remember you are only defending her because she was your friend
I need to clarify here--Susan Stanton and I were not friends, not in the literal sense--we did not pal around together, call each other on the phone to chit chat, etc. I appreciated her work ethic and her analytical business sense and her plan to turn this city around to being sustainable. That's why she aced her interview and ultimately was hired. She was doing just that until politics ended her ambition. She worked extremely long hours to achieve the goal. I understood that this took a tough negotiator and not someone political who wanted to please the NA's, Scott Maxwell, etc. She was hired to do exactly what she did. She was the one who made the decisions--not the city commission who only should have been concentrating on policy.
We now have a new city manager who has a lovely disposition but has fallen into the trap of politics. That is never good for the health of any city if you consider ALL of the terrible and costly decisions of the past. Commissioner need to be told the cold hard facts of the matter, like it or not. Some of these people are back in power and I shudder thinking about what will occur next.
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