Senate Bill 1196, sponsored by Bradenton Sen. Mike Bennett, and House Bill 1013, from Miami Rep. Frank Artiles, pits developers against homeowner associations with builder-friendly protections against payments to repair poor work on common-area infrastructure.
"It's like a 'get home free' card for contractors...the normal responsibility to stand behind their work is eliminated," says Doug Wilson, president of Lakewood Ranch's Advanced Management.
Thousands of homeowners have already sent Scott emails in opposition to this bill, requesting a veto. Additional messages can be sent to the governor at Rick.Scott@eog.myflorida.com . Or call 850-717-9238.
Read about the political "Free Ride" for developers by Clicking here.
Let's see-money for my campaign re-election account or money for those stupid Florida Homeowners.Who will our law makers protect-the poeople who vote for them or the people who finance them?
It's all about money and who has access.
If you want real positive change in every aspect of our governance, fight for public campaign financing, limited campaign seasons with only public access media, and eliminate legislating lobbyists.
The cancer of financed partisan incumbancy is killing the USA.
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