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Lake Worth gets credited, once again, for a criminal who actually lives out of the city limits.
This time it is for a machete carrying lunatic who entered a home without permission, according to a Palm Beach County sheriff's probable-cause affidavit.
28-year-old Marlon Aguilar of Lake Worth, was arrested Wednesday evening.
Read about the machete carrying idiot
Another lost Sugar Cane Cutter. I bet he thought he was out in the Glades.
It is always that way.The Press, The T.V. news and Radio news,just don't know how to say suburban. Lets add
Beach to our name.Now the casino is almost finished and looking beautiful.Next year we celebrate our
100 birthday. Maybe it time to become Lake Worth Beach?
I like the idea of renaming our city as the City of Lake Worth Beach, who can do this? The commission? or do they put it up for a vote for us to decide? Nice idea. We have a great little city by the sea and it just keeps getting better. I think our city was named Lucerne before it was named Lake Worth too, that has a nice ring too. Lynn what is your take on the name change?
The commission can vote to put it on the ballot in Nov.The voters would then vote on it.
So, who, Lynn? will bring this to the commission to vote for this change so we can vote for it. I great call!
Perhaps someone running for office this year---I would like to see a politician stand up for something unique rather than the same ole stuff. Perhaps a community leader such as Greg Rice, a big person in spite of his height.
The mayor has already talk about adding Beach to our name. Maybe she will put it on the next agenda.
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