Sunday, May 20, 2012

I wouldda smoked "blow"

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The press talks about Mitt Romney and carrying his dog in a crate on top of his car 30 years ago. They write about him being a bully while a kid 50 years ago. But they fail to mention the President of the United States and his dallying around with drugs and doing something dangerously stupid years ago. Why is that?


Anonymous said...

Bush also admitted to doing drugs as well and was an alcoholic, he was one of our presidents for 8 years. He was no saint either recall. With the changes and newer generations, probably many leaders will have done drugs, etc. They say that many in the house of rep and senate all have too and been arrested for drunk driving and many other criminal offenses. It is all just a downward turn in our morals and a lot of influence from pop culture and doing what everyone else does, look at how many people have tattoos now? It is crazy, personally I think people give in to pop culture and consumerism due too much ego and insecurity. Too many feel the need to fit in. Drugs are also a big escape and people also want to fit in with their friends and want an escape and then become addicted. Obama is typical of so many Americans.

Anonymous said...

The reason is because Obama was open and told the truth about everything so most people that DON'T watch Fux News don't care that he smoked dope. Romney is always getting caught in lies and it's a bigger deal when someone gets caught in a lie. This blog should understand that.
How long before the news comes out that Romney was a big party boy in high school and college and cocaine was his drug of choice?
Obama went to Reverend Wright's church.

Anonymous said...

Romney was and still is a Mormon. Drugs are not in his vocabulary nor are lies. Name one. Obama has lied from inception. Reverend Wright: GOD DAMN AMERICA! Wonderful example. Thanks for the reminder.