We have regressed in the City of Lake Worth by some elected officials enamored with their own power.
1. They twist everything to their own personal point of view. Take the heights of buildings in our downtown. There are three "visionaries" who actually believe that by building higher, we will revitalize the downtown by attracting investment and developers who actually want to come here and build. They blame the lack of growth and our finances on former commissions that they say had no vision by keeping heights low in the City and they tell you that right to your face, with a straight face, never once putting the blame where it belongs.
They tell us that heights are keeping away investment and I guess they actually believe that but then you just never know about politicians. Developers want to build because they want to make money. If they can build higher, they can charge more for that building. It's all about the money--not money that Lake Worth will make off the taxes, but money into developer pockets. We all know that it will cost more for public services by building higher than what we reap in advalorem. Taller buildings should be restricted to Dixie Highway and the Park of Commerce.
2. They only listen to those with their point of view--special interests: Realtors, developers, planners and those who service development. The residents be damned. Maxwell is quoted as saying, "I've spoken to no one who wants to pave over everything and build into the clouds." They exaggerate to make points that their way is the right way. They fail to mention that a public benefit will allow a developer to build even higher than what they want our Plan to allow.
Even Commissioner Amoroso justifies The Lucerne 65 foot condo downtown by saying "People like living there." We never got that public benefit back then. He fails to tell you that his first interest is to attract people to shop downtown as he has a store there. He has not considered all those who have already spoken on the Master Plan process. He closes his ears to all of those people who want to maintain Lake Worth as a low rise city. He wants it his way in every respect.
3. They are petrified to put it to a vote of the people: Keep a quaint low rise city or build high. They don't tell you the truth on the costs involved in their "build to the sky" dream. Even if they put it on a ballot, the language would probably be so prejudicial to their point of view.
4. They pulled an anarchist coup by kicking off the present Planning & Zoning board in order to appoint "friends" who think as they do--friends who were directly responsible for The Lucerne as an example. Corruption is the mantra back in style all because of a change on the dais.
5. They had the new city manager stop the Zoning in Progress to ensure that they would get their way on heights. It didn't matter that they stopped nearly $85 million in planned development by doing so. They even twisted that explanation around to make you believe that there were no planned developments on the table. All they are hearing is "100 feet," and allowing the downtown to rise higher is a compromise from those few who scream the loudest on building high.
6. They have absolutely convinced themselves that what they have done is for the good of Lake Worth never once considering an opposite view of the minority now on the dais--two commissioners, McVoy and Mulvehill, who clearly remember what the people said that they wanted. Their voices count for squat and so does the majority of people's voices in this city. It is always about power and control.
After this goes before the present Planning & Zoning board, it will come to the commission and the public on June 19. The room will be stacked with developer friends and all their voices pitching for taller buildings--you can count on that-- and three people with all the power listening to only them.
greetings from downtown lake maxwell (name change proposed by Comm.Amaroso) where mayor in perputuity maxwell has proposed all buildings downtown be restricted to 105 ft. his SO, Comm. Amaroso does'nt realize he cannot vote on height changes as being a business owner he has to re-excuse himself as a conflict of interest. however he has given his proxy vote to les evans with bo allen as alternative. yes gang, we are going back to days of rodney romano...we need candidates for a rubber stamp commission. we already have a cleaning lady heading up an advisory board and a perputual windbag on several others. The mayor has announced she is importing several local politicos from Bergen county new jersey to show how a proper 'one way or the highway' comm.is run. in the meantime, i have already made plans to move into my 4 bedroom penthouse at "il pelicano' on the site
of the former bandshell in lake maxwell's bryant park. oh yes, if you are looking for old downtown Lake Worth-it has become a theme park and moved to Tampa.
It is all about balance, that is what we need, not too much of any one thing. If we are going to prevent urban sprawl, we need to consider some tall buildings, but it needs to be done carefully and balanced. Not all can be or remain only 35ft or less, it just is not practical. When will we find that right balance that we all are comfortable with?
The City Charter says 100' west of dixie Highway and 65' eash of Dixie. Why aren't the opponents to height calling for the charter to be changed? I haven't heard anyone say let's raze every builidng downtown and built a wall of buildings 65' high. The Cultural Builidng was supported by many of those accused of wanting to tear up downtown.
The City Charter does say that and it was approved over 20 years ago or so. Things change such as sustainability. People didn't take that into account back then. They were not worried about running out of water or paying for services and infrastructure. Now we have planners employed by the City who are recommending lower heights.
If you are talking about the Cultural Council now situated in the Montgomery Building, that building is 1939 art deco architecture, supported by few people alive today that were eligible to vote.
Again, you are twisting the message when you cite you haven't heard anyone say "let's raze every building downtown." Of course no one would say anything that ridiculous.
Twisiting the message is what is done constantly by the Palm Beach Post... and others in LW.
Are you throwing yourself into that mix? Is this the King himself? Greg Rice? Blackman? Some investor? Get a grip everyone. We have been taken over by growth bores. The only truth here is by pavers.
The owners are suing the developer of The Lucerne. Greg Rice is in charge.
And your point is?
In point #6 you claim the MAJORITY of people's voices count for squat. Golden and the former 90 day mayor were both openly anti development and they both lost the most recent election by a pretty big margin. How do you explain that?
If the city charter calls for buildings no taller than 100 ft. west of Dixie and no taller than 65 feet east of Dixie what's the problem?
A condo in Bryant Park? I guess you sky is a fallin chicken littles will say anything. Although I will admit it's fun watching you use the same methods and tactics on how to save a broke, crumbling city. Do nothing and leave it alone. Because that has worked so well over the past 10 years.
Your second sentence is a total fabrication of the facts. That's the trouble with you builder types--twisting the truth when it suits your agenda. I have also addressed the old Comp Plan of 20 years ago as well as the reasons why we don't have much money. One reason, besides the national and global economy that has caused this downturn, is all your commissioner friends that squanderd and wasted millions on BAD contracts that if left unchanged would have totally busted us. Building higher is not the answer to prosperity. Google the topic.
As far as doing nothing and leaving it alone as you are accusing, I see it as just the opposite: new casino, beach redevelopment, our own Reverse Osmosis plant. You conveniently left out those major accomplishments over the past few years. Why is that?
No es una sorpresa, so it is Rice who is doing all of this promoting tall, well, then maybe he will finally do something with his dump at 1306 Lucerne Ave with the roof caving in. Rice is likely the same one who gives money to elected officials campaigns to overlook his blight and deplorable conditions? Rice how much money have you donated to campaigns here in this city over the years? Why don't you clean up your deplorable and blighted property? Fix your roof before the building caves in! Are you waiting so that you can sell or invest or make a few million on that blighted mess of a property? Hold your head high and don't be a slum property owner amigo!
"Are you throwing yourself into that mix? Is this the King himself? Greg Rice? Blackman? Some investor? Get a grip everyone. We have been taken over by growth bores. The only truth here is by pavers."
Rice evidently is enamored by power too Lynn that is why he doesn't feel the obligation to have to clean his blighted and dilapidated building up on Lucerne Ave. It is not just the elected leaders or developers, but maybe he is part of all of that.
So he lives in the Lucerne? Someone should sue him for leaving such an unsafe property vacant and uncared for and blighted, they should sue all these slum owners who do not keep up their properties. No es justo para los imigrantes aqui, tenemos que vivir alredador de su basura.
"The owners are suing the developer of The Lucerne. Greg Rice is in charge."
Rice por favor, limpia y mejorar su propriedad!
Instead of sitting around typing on a computer take some action. Hire a lawyer and sue Greg Rice, organize a protest, contact the media, code enforcement, CONTACT THE FRIGGIN COMMISSIONER IN THAT DISTRICT YOUR FRIEND DR. CHRISTOPHER MCOY! Do something, anything. You've pretty much exhausted your spiel on the local blogs.
Hey, you all against raising height limits need to read the Smart Growth Manual. Smart growth and environmentally responsible development requires some density.
Think about it, would you rather have a 2 story building with a 10,000 square feet parking lot next to it or a 50-60 foot building with a 10,000 square feet park or public space next to it? Those against any height increases above 35 feet are ignorant of the facts. Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY's) don't solve any problems, you just send them somewhere else. Why not be part of the solution??? Until you can show the human population has stopped increasing, we will have to build more.
Oye Jesus, toda la basura esta tirado por tus inmigrantes hombre. Preguntate eso... porque son los calles de los americanos limpios pero los calles del inmigrantes so tan llenos de basura? Porque Jesus? Me vas a decir que es la culpa de Greg Rice, un dueno de una propriedad? Por favor hombre.
Speak English in the future. No more Spanish allowed, particularly Spanish that is illiterate. Thanks.
If anyone is a slum landlord, clean up your property. Thanks again.
We are already the most dense city around. You want more people? Smart Growth is not too smart posting that garbage here. Must be a developer.
The "Pavers" were in power for decades and they had control of P&Z and a charter that allowed 65" east and 100' west of Dixie. If this is what we need to spur investment and redevelop the city, then WHERE IS THE REDEVELOPMENT?? Is the Lucerne CONDO and some crappy townhouses all you're bringing??
The "Cavers" built a water plant, got us out of the FMPA contract, lowered electric rates, addressed long-languishing legal issues, and oh yeah, FIXED THE BEACH.
And, appointed a P&Z board that was NOT loaded with developer's darlings but instead with really smart regular citizens who have fixed in one year our LDRs that had been manipulated, mutated, and bastardized by DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONALS for decades until they were completely useless. Unless you were a developer looking for loopholes to profit and run from the scene of your monstrous crime against good sense and good taste.
Take your smart growth, along with your fairy tales about density and intensity and your boutique hotel bullshit and stick it in the drawer with your love letters to the Lucerne condo. It's blind leading the blind growth and we don't want it.
The Lucerne - according to Zillow there are 16 units available for rent and 5 units for sale.
Doesn't sound full.
Lynn, I agree with most of what you say except the lost 85 million in planned development. I have never heard verified names of investors. ...... To Mr. suds on the brain, what cleaning lady and what windbag or is this just b.s. Does being a cleaning lady disqualify you.
Lynn, so the 85mil story really was a rumor and myth.
What are you referring to, anonymous?
#5 in your post does not list or verify any investors in the lost 85 million.
Thanks anonymous. You will have to check with William Waters on that count. It was mentioned a few times at city commission meetings before this commission and the last one before Szerdi came into power.
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