Last night's meeting was rather pleasant for a change. Even people in the chamber were cordial for the most part until it came to Cara Jennings. Just the thought of her name by some brings out the worst. People actually believe that she did everything possible to destroy this 6 mile square city all by her little self. She was always one vote.
There was little debate on most issues. Consent passed with nothing being pulled for discussion. It's alright with everyone, I guess, that homeowner's encroach on our rights-of-way, seek waivers and get them. Installing pavers over the sidewalk and over city property is now opened for all.
The extremely political Planning & Zoning Board member issue was on the agenda. Genesis Neighborhood Association President along with Commissioner Amoroso "went after" Cara Jennings for something she wrote on her Facebook page regarding a house she was helping to rehab that had mold in some cabinets and for not allowing code officers onto the property. Even citizen Peter Timm had a snide remark.
The city attorney, as well as William Waters, said that she did nothing legally wrong. Amoroso pursued a complaint (isn't it about time we learned the names of these anonymous complainers...you know, transparency and all?) about Jennings because he said that he didn't want to waste staff's time with them showing up at a property and then having them turned away because they had no appointment or permission to enter. Elaine Humphrey's said that every citizen has the right to allow or deny access to their property. As it turned out, Jennings got the permits for the work that required them without Code interfering. And as it turned out, it was Amoroso who wasted everyone's time by even pursing the complaint.
Although there was some negative commentary from Scott Maxwell, even going so far as to ask about proof of a certification of credentials for those members now on the Board, a motion was made to appoint those presently on the Board as an interim group based on the new Ordinance until Board interviews are conducted in about 6 weeks from now. Anyone who so desires can run again in June. They will serve from May 1 until a new board is appointed by the Commission. The vote was 3/2 with Maxwell and Amoroso dissenting. Although this was all political, the commission did the right thing for the short term. Maxwell and Amoroso always have each other's back.
One thing that was not a waste of Amoroso's time, was kicking Jennings to the curb. His intention all along was throwing Jennings under the bus. It was expected. Politics finally got rid of two self-professed anarchists from two city boards. Last night Cara Jennings was the final anarchist to be thrown out-- someone who had called Maxwell a racist several years back because of his stand then on illegal immigration. He's been totally silent on that issue since he was first elected.
Now, can the city calm down and get to business?
Commissioner Amaroso should not have singled out a board member in public.I thought that when this new commission was elected that we finally had an intelligent balance between the naked chicken people and the growth whores. I was wrong.This city is not moving forward.We are back sliding into the crappy politics of the Romano/Ramiccio era.Very sad and disapointing.Maybe the new P&Z members that Scott and Andy will appoint can ask members from the Wes Blackman era how to buy city property way under market value.After all, profiting from our city is now ,again ,the name of the game,isn't it?
Cara Jennings was never, "just one vote".
Calling the new Commission 'growth whores' is as bad as the group who said the anarchists in town were taking over.
Getting qualified citizens, who know a thing or two, on the Boards is a great move for LW.
Haven't we all had enough of wind turbines that would cost a fortune, discussions of livestock being allowed in residentially zoned areas, negativity and protests of the supermarket that wished to build in LW...the list of uneducated desires from the previous Commission goes on and on.
Mr McVoy is a kind person, but being highly educated about soil does not mean he has any prowess in running a City. This blog has frequently defended his abilities by simply being in awe that he HAS a PhD...seems to make no never mind that his degree is in the soil sciences.
Legalizing un documented immigrants was a major focus before - now I believe we can get to the business of bettering our city - for the benefit of ALL citizens.
This Commission's view on Board applicants is a plus for the city.
Too early to tell.
Let the new Board sit for 6 months.
Certainly Cara’s excesses, heavy handedness and inappropriate activities couldn’t go without reaction. Now we will see if the reversals of her actions results in a better functioning Staff and more effective PBSO.
I predict that notwithstanding the power of incumbency, McVoy and Mulvehill will be defeated. The Jennings-Karson ground game and the knee jerk endorsements by the Palm Beach Post are being off set by social media, Neighborhood Association communication and comments to Willie’s one sided articles-propaganda.
With no Commission opposition and Boards to their liking, the 2013 election will reinforce that group or result in yet another Commission-Board turnover because they weren’t effective.
Isn’t America great.
I DO NOT defend DR McVoy because he is a PhD. I defend him from the other side of politics who enjoy belittling him in public and on other blogs. He is an extremely smart man and believe it or not, wants to do what's right for the city. He is highly educated and this is a trait that you so admire because right now you want to kick off most people on the P&Z for a bogus reason citing education or in another word, "qualifications." Do you really have an argument that is not inter-changeable with each issue?
I predict that McVoy and Mulvehill will not run again. How much abuse does one need from you people? It is a 3 to 2 vote as it is.
I also predict that this commission board will be defeated in a few years. Politics always has a way of changing around but in the meantime, these people could do a lot of damage just like they did a few commissions ago that cost us millions in bad decisions.
Says You!!!
Why, why why does this blog insist that this Commission is identical to the past Commissions who played 'dirty'?
It seems hugely unfair to constantly be Chicken Little screaming that the sky is falling, when the 2 newly electeds are distinct individuals who are very different from past officials.
Sounds like an inability to open eyes wide and see things as they are....now. Not then, now.
Granted Dr McVoy is highly educated...in the science of soils. Period. And I don't disagree with this blog at all in saying he wants what's best for the City. Don't we all?
But wanting and then actually being able to do, are in 2 different hemispheres.
Lastly, I'll counter your prediction that this Commission won't last long...(assuming you mean that the environmentalist/pro-illegal immigrant gang will return) We are so in need of strong, purposeful leadership right now -
I agree--these commissioners are "distinct" alright...maybe the next descriptive in a few years will be "extinct."
Commissions come and go. There is always a turn-over unless, of course, you are Retha Lowe and step down for various reasons that I won't mention here. Personally, I would like to see term limits here in LW.
The reason I take the stand that I do is from observation on this commission...being there at every meeting. Now that Maxwell has the majority, he can lead this city any where he chooses--down the tubes if he so cares. The reasons are listed on the right side of this blog. They are fact.
Dr. McVoy is an Everglades scientist. Let's not continue to belittle his profession too. He has voted on the right side of most every issue and he has not cost the city ANY money, unlike former "BCE" majorities.
So, politics always changes. History IS important. All we need is the next P&Z authorizing another Lucerne or something stupid like that. Which reminds me, we are on a blog about the P&Z--the most "honest board ever."
It is easy and I believe appropriate to be respectful to both Commissioner Mcvoy and you---without agreeing with either of you.
After all, the Commissioner ran for office, was elected and gives us service on a weekly basis. However, equating his intelligence with wisdom is another matter. The open checkbook on the beach and the poor budget oversight just start the list of objections I have of him.
With respect to you Lynn--"The reason I take the stand that I do is from observation on this commission...being there at every meeting."---is something I respect you for. God knows I can't find the time to fulfill by responsibility as a citizen in that manner. But agreeing with you on every matter--no, we have differences in both style and substance. It is my belief that your divisiveness is doomed to failure if you are trying to be part of the answer.
I really will be disappointed of the current majority on the commission isn't more effective for Lake Worth than the last majority. As said before, only time will tell.
God save us from idiots like anon at 6:02 above.I SAID "I finally thought we had an intelligent balance between the naked chicken people and the growth whores".How is that calling our new Commission growth whores? Or for that matter naked chicken people?What this Commission did to our P&Z board was needless, heay handed, and crappy.I expected more from this board, not the same old dirty politics from a few whispers in their clogged ears.It will be remembered at the next election.Cara Jennings Was ONE VOTE.You obviously have absolutely no knowledge of our P&Z board and the way they work. Please try to stop letting yourself be used as a tool.
Anonymous at 8:05--
Divisive? Not hardly.
Part of the answer? Not hardly.
What I am though is a concerned citizen who takes an altruistic approach to poltiics in this city. I see it one way; you see it another. I write on my opinions.
I would suggest, however, that you do try and show up for most meetings--talk with people who do know the history and you might come to a different understanding here.
However, there will always be political sides--we will agree on some issues. I like to feel that I am somewhere in the middle in this city--certainly not chickens and illegals, and certainly not dense growth with townhouses and high rises. I abhor heavy handed poltiics, something that is happening now.
Why is having a majority on the dais "heavy handed politics"? How is what is happening now any different than what Jennings/Golden/Mulvehill were doing? You like to insist that they never made any decisions that cost the city money, but breaking legal contracts is going to cost the city millions. Unfortunately your opinion on whether the contracts were good or not doesn't matter to the courts. Do you think the pro illegal alien/urban farms majority was effective leading the city? We're kind of where we are today after 5 years of their majority/leadership. I don't remember you attacking them as much as you attack the visionaries without really giving the visionaries any time.
Any city should have educated, qualified people on all their boards. While most of the people on the board were your friends does that make them qualified? I want what's best for Lake Worth. That doesn't qualify me as a commissioner, mayor or to sit on a board making important decisions. You are constantly claiming everything is political. The appointments to the current P&Z board were so blatantly political it's laughable yet you insist they were not. Why don't you wait and see who's appointed to the board next before accusing anyone of wanting to build skyscrapers in the city and blocking out the sun.
So far, breaking contracts saved us $3.5 million on our water system. Greater Bay is ongoing because of a flim flam scam. The Union healthcare situation cost us the price of the healthcare. If you don't take a stand with the Unions, we will always be run over. It was worth the try. What else was there?
Next, if you want to start with qualifications, I suggest that you begin with the top board in this city, the City Commission itself. Let's get some educated and qualified people on this board. I know of two who are highly educated.
State Statute requires qualifications for the Historic Preservation Board--NOT any other board. This commission pulled a dirty fast one. They have lost all respect from many people.
It is funny that posters here want to belittle McVoy's education and intelligence, as if it doesn't matter. The voters obviously preferred an educated, intelligent person to represent them over someone who was not. I personally prefer to be represented by people who have a vision and are willing to express PUBLICLY what their vision is.
The former commission majority envisioned a community that prioritizes sustainability, green space, home rule. These are important considerations for those "30-somethings" who are buying homes and raising families. They're also important considerations for a lot of businesses that have started up in the last decade, and will probably become even more important in the next 10 years. Understanding this trend and branding our city this way is called VISION.
The current commission seems to operate from a "we feel left behind and we want to catch up with Boca/WPB/Delray" perspective. This requires no vision. This lack of vision will manifest itself in their P & Z choices. Back to signing off on cheap looking townhomes with setback variances so developers can profit at our expense.
I can't believe that we were given $23M to spend on revitalization and we can't do better than the hideously ugly structures that are being built around the city right now. Absolutely no imagination and no community pride in the design. They are downright depressing. Why can't we build something attractive? Something I can be proud to have in my neighborhood? Such a disappointment. Thanks Andy, but I reject your 5th grade-level vision.
This commission cannot see beyond the borders of PB county. Have they ever gone somewhere else and picked up an idea that wasn't spoon-fed to them by the League of Cities? The prior commission majority was bold and fearless. Leaders with vision. McVoy speaks five languages. Obviously, he has been around the world and seen what works and what doesn't in other places. Mulvehill has traveled extensively and has tried to implement ideas picked up around the world. Golden lived in another country for several years and also in the most progressive state in the US. Waterman speaks multiple languages and has lived in other countries as well. They all looked to the future of our city, as leaders should. We've lost great leadership on the dais and now we have to put our faith in people who see the world through coke-bottle glasses. I have to laugh at how excited some people are by this majority and tired tired road they are taking us down. In 5 years we'll be Anywhereville, USA. I'll probably be able to walk to a corporate big box store. This commission is white bread and processed cheese spread. Ech.
I understand Crybaby’s points of view. They are reasonable. It is my position that they are inappropriate because of overriding considerations not factored into the discussion AND alternatives that will better stand the test of time.
The reason for McVoy’s election is debatable, but I am surprised that some consider him more intelligent than his opponent because of degrees or languages spoken. However, I am not aware of how his intelligence has inured to the benefit of Lake Worth either on with dais initiates or with transparency or increased knowledge of FMPA—given his appointment as the Commission representative. Maxwell had to initiate the meeting to break the logjam of negotiations and McVoy has been completely silent on all FMPA matters.
With respect to sustainability, green space and home rule---the past commission was a hindrance to potential new employers, didn’t add any green Space to our already substantial amount and as far as home rule is concerned---all we got was continuing mismanagement and the privilege of continuing to drive away new residential and commercial tenants because of the highest utility rates in PBC—for each and every utility.
While throwing around terms like “best practices” and “municipal standards”----the Jennings-Mulvehill-Golden-McVoy ilk all demonize Boca-Delray-Boynton---while not wanting to duplicate them---I certainly would be happy with the lesser crime, blight and financial problems they currently have---evidently they are not doing everything wrong.
That anywhere-big box canard is as false on Lake, Lucerne & Dixie as it was on the beach. The lot sizes, demographics and traffic counts will prevent that from happening. After all, there is a reason why our biggest box is the smallest Publix in PBC.
Responding to the last sentence, Publix bought the land where the new store is located. Publix stores come in all shapes and sizes. So, that IS the reason why they put a 24,000 s.f. store. It was the lot size that dictated what they did.
As far as the other cities you mention, Lake Worth is not doing everything wrong--we were certainly on our way to a sustainable city.
I challenge your allegation that the city drove away potential people because of high utility rates. We have new businesses, as well as people, moving here all of the time. Check the records.
McVoy--what sort of information do you want from him regarding FMPA? You have thrown this charge out before...give examples of your complaint if you can. Thanks.
"INURED"???? Please visit www.dictionary.com. I think it will be helpful. And . . . I'm pretty sure that PBSO has been bragging about how they've reduced the crime rate in Lake Worth. Are you disputing that? Are you saying that after 4 years with the magnificent and un-equaled PBSO that we have higher crime than those three communities with THEIR OWN POLICE FORCES????? Home Rule rules, I say. Thank you for confirming that.
It goes to utilities as well. If you knew what you were talking about, you would know that the management of our utility has improved markedly since Rebecca Mattey took over, regardless of what the loudest voices screech every week at city hall meetings. I look forward to the coke-bottle glasses selecting a utilities director who is better than Mattey.
With respect to some of Paver's other assertions:
1. How long must we debate whether or not Dr McVoy is more intelligent than someone who ran on "balancing the budget" as if it had never been balanced? Helloooooo!!
2. The prior commission added green space in the beach project and also added pocket parks. And tried to green up the Shuffleboard Courts project.
3. If they were powerful enough to cause a nation-wide recession that drove the "hindrance to new employers" than we were crazy not to leave them in power.
4. Are you under the impression that our demographic (low median income) doesn't attract big box stores? News to me. They told us we'd never get a Starbucks because of our demographic . . .
I don't think that the word "demonizing" is appropriate. It's an inflammatory way to characterize a point of view that one does not agree with, instead of presenting facts and thoughtful commentary. It's just lazy.
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