Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Memorial to Lib Sory, former teacher at Lake Worth High School

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Ms. Mary Elizabeth (Lib) Sory was the former Physical Education teacher and Guidance Counselor at Lake Worth High School who recently passed away right before her 99th birthday. She came to Lake Worth High School in 1943 and retired in 1974.

Doris Dorsey wrote the following tribute to Ms. Sory:

Yesterday was a stormy wet day here but beautiful still. Miss Sory's Celebration of Life started at the funeral home where the beautiful old hymns she loved were played on the organ and everyone participated in the singing of Old Rugged Cross, How Great Thou Art, In the Garden and Sweet Hour of Prayer.

Her many nieces, grand nieces and nephews were there to stand up and tell about her wonderful life, besides the many friends who also stood and told about her. Many of the LWHS Alumni were present to say good bye to their friend who inspired them. Lib had arranged with her family to have a luncheon at the Dune Deck in Lantana on the beach for all her friends and Alumni that could attend as this was one of her favorite places. What a wonderful Tribute to a Special Lady.

Since April 30 was set for this Celebration and it was Lib Sory's 99th birthday, everyone sang "Happy Birthday" and Toasted her..A large Birthday cake decorated like the Ocean with a little fishing boat and a lady with a fishing pole (depicting Lib as that was one of her favorite things was to fish) was shown and cut for all to eat. As we left for home, her final gift to all was a sweet vase of roses that each person picked up while leaving. What a wonderful good bye to a small but Large in Stature Lady.

"Bye Sweet Lady till we meet Again" .


Just me said...

This is a wonderful tribute to a great lady!

Many thanks to both of you: Lynn, for posting it, and Doris, for writing it.

I am Virginia "Ginny" Sory Brown, Lib Sory's niece. I was in charge of her memorial service arrangements. Our entire family was comforted and uplifted by the huge show of support from Lib's former students and the entire LWHS community. We knew she had been a popular teacher, but we had no idea the extent to which she had touched so many lives, and how fondly she would be remembered so many years after her retirement. We are hoping to give a Dollars for Scholars scholarship each year in her name.

I Googled her name on a whim and found this blog--I just had to pop in and say hi and to thank each and every member of the LWHS community who remembered Lib, showed us support with cards, phone calls and emails, and attended her service. Despite the lousy weather, it truly was a beautiful day. Lib would have been thrilled to bits!

Love from the entire Sory family!

Lynn Anderson said...

Hi Virginia--

Thanks so much...glad you found the blog on Lib. She certainly was much loved and respected. I had the pelasure of meeting her many times at LWHigh School during the Spaghetti dinner fundraisers through the years. I always sat at her table. She was so sweet and petit!

A Dollars for Scholars in her name is fabulous! She would have approved.

I will forward your comments on to Doris.