Thursday, July 9, 2015

A decisive moment in the life of Michele Obama

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Well hell, why not? People are climbing over the walls and entering the White house with a full staff of Secret Service stationed there so why not photography?

Many restrictions still apply. You can only use phones or compact cameras with lenses that don't exceed 3 inches. All other photography equipment is still banned, too. You're not allowed to use tablets, video cameras (including action cameras...don't even try it Wes), cameras with interchangeable lenses, tripods or monopods, or selfie sticks, which the White House refers to as "camera sticks." The memo also says that flash photography and live-streaming aren't welcome, either.

Michelle Obama hates "selfies."  Remember back a few years ago when the president, David Cameron and Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the Danish prime minister, huddled together for a smart phone photograph. Michelle was not amused.


Anonymous said...

Michelle and the president's bedroom is off limits too. hehe

Lynn Anderson said...

Ewww...don't want to go there. Michelle looks pretty in this video.

Anonymous said...

Too bad she's so bitter about race, her life has been easier than mine with an intact birth family, education, marriage and a nice house.

Anonymous said...

What an angry woman. She is an embarrassment to the nation.Her attitude makes Michelle Obama a very unattractive woman. Can you imagine Jackie Kennedy, or any of our other incredible fist ladies shaming their nation the way Ms. Obama has?? What a waste.

Anonymous said...

I'd feel sorry for her, but she's doing too much damage and her hair and wardrobe is so much better than mine. I guess her husband can't rein her in or she's part of the plan.