Monday, July 27, 2015

Global Warming

As predicted, the city commission on a 4/0 vote (Mayor Triolo was absent from the meeting) affirmed enthusiastic support for the Florida Regional Climate Action Plan. I believe that the Vice Mayor said it was a "no brainer." All of them now believe in global warming. As mentioned, the purpose of this Resolution 40-2015 is to affirm the City’s support of the RCAP and agree to consider integration of its goals and action items into the City’s Comprehensive Plan.

The Climate Action Plan is for the purpose to work cooperatively to:
  • Develop annual Legislative Programs and jointly advocate for state and federal policies and funding
  • Dedicate staff time and resources to create a Southeast Florida Regional Climate Action Plan to include mitigation and adaptation strategies
  • Meet annually in Regional Climate Summits to mark progress and identify emerging issues.
And on the other end of the global warming argument, I recently published information from the Telegraph that predicts another Ice Age.  Now it is reported in the London Daily Mail that their model suggests solar activity will fall by 60 percent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the mini ‘”ice age” from 1645 to about 1715. During that period, known as the “Maunder Minimum,” London’s River Thames froze over and snow fields remained year-round even at lower elevations.

There has been a lot of controversy about global warming with the vast number of scientists believing that human caused global warming is happening. There are other climate scientists who say the opposite. Both arguments are convincing. As we plan to incorporate it into our comprehensive Plan, it would be good to know, with certainty, which scientific hypothesis and data are correct.

The Pelican and the bully might not want to recognize sea level rise or may even ridicule McVoy's comments from time to time.  We even have witnessed eyes rolling on the dais anytime Commissioner McVoy speaks to it, but there is climate change and sea level rise and now this commission has admitted they believe it too.  And to the bully, McVoy was not a commissioner when it was decided to build our new casino on the same footprint that had been there for nearly 100 years. The city administration took the advice of experts in the field on where this building should be built.

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