Saturday, July 18, 2015

Domestic terrorists - ISIS

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Under current U.S. immigration policy, an ISIS terrorist doesn’t need to hop a fence or swim a river to reach America. He can enter the U.S. legally as a student, as a skilled guest-worker, as a refugee, as an entrepreneur, or as a tourist – and fly here in the comfort of a jumbo jet.
According to U.S. Census data, the U.S. welcomes about 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year. This represents the fastest growing segment of immigrants coming to America. While some may enter with questionable backgrounds, the chances are greater that they will get radicalized after they arrive.
Read this frightening article at WND.

And if anyone wants to borrow the CD on Homegrown Jihad, contact me.  It is extremely enlightening and will scare you to death to learn what is happening here in America. You will wonder what in hell is our government thinking. Why isn't the media covering this easy passage into our country? Unfortunately times have changed and we need to be diligent regarding who we allow into this country. Do we want more Chattanooga's? There are news commentators such as Kirstin Powers who just last night on Fox News said that she believes in open borders.  These people are insane.

If we don't take aggressive action in the MidEast, more and more of them will be coming here and we will have this bloody fight on our own soil. Drones aren't cutting it.

1 comment:

Lake Worth Taxpayer said...

I don't want more Charlestons either and I think we need to get a firm hold on the hate groups and persons who have been radicalized by the messages that stereotype large swaths of minorities and immigrants. They present a much larger clear and present danger to Americans than radical Islamists.

I don't think anyone wants another Oklahoma City. Based upon some of the rhetoric out there where people are banding together online to demonize and incite others to aggression, I don't think that's too far out of the question.

It needs to stop.