Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Militarization of America?

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According to the Tea Party, the evidence of impending martial law is overwhelming--

  • While campaigning in 2008, Obama cites a need to form a "civilian national security force."
  • One year later, Department of Homeland Security warns of the threat of "Rightwing Extremism," and Christians, anti-abortionists and returning veterans as "the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists."
  • Obama purges hundreds of military leaders while gutting $1.3 TRILLION from the Pentagon budget.
  • IRS singles out tea party groups.
  • The U.S. Post Service, Social Security Administration, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Education and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stockpile billions of rounds of ammunition.
  • Revelation of mass government surveillance programs targeting U.S. citizens.
  • Prosecution of government whistleblowers.
  • Increasing militarization of police.
  • Borders left naked and defenseless, while beckoning mass illegal immigration of "unaccompanied minors" who are upon arrival assigned taxpayer-funded attorneys.
  • Mass tax breaks for illegal aliens.
  • Signage of Presidential Decision Directive 51, which during declared emergencies grants Obama power to institute martial law and suspend elections.
  • Numerous examples of military operations and drills--often at night--conducted in major American cities.
  • Fake cities, modeled after American towns, constructed for military drills.
  • Media and military exploitation of any incident with racial unrest.
  • Internal checkpoints manned by border agents that demand proof of citizenship and travel plans.
  • Jade Helm 15, mass military "live drills," with participants often in plainclothes, unfolding over eight states.

1 comment:

Weetha Peebull said...

It's not just the T-Party but regular citizens wondering.
Jade is a computer program and helm is 'getting ahead of the game'.
It's set up to sense 'Pre-Crime'! WTH is up w/that! It can plan on it's
own what to do 'pre-emptively. A computer will now make decisions for us!
There are many reports about Foreign Soldiers taking part as they have no
allegiance to the USA and will simply follow orders!

Double - UGH!