Sunday, July 19, 2015

Question for Obama and Hillary Clinton

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“Do you think Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were motivated by personal animus and bigotry when they, for almost all of their lives, defined marriage as a covenant relationship between one man and one woman?”

~ Pastor Kevin DeYoung

Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church (RCA) in East Lansing, Michigan, Michigan State University.


Anonymous said...

The parties and their philosophies have surely changed over the years. Don't want to be rooted in the past, that is for sure. I love God and honor my country, believe in hard work and not owing anyone a dime. I don't think those loves are passé yet. That is why I could never be a Democrat. You seem to put people into groups, those who suppress women and blacks and believe those are Republicans and you are elevated to some sort of sainthood for being a Democrat, the only forward thinkers and revere those with their hands out blaming their condition all on the 1%. What a way to live. What a way to think.

Lynn Anderson said...

People live and they learn and through the course of their life a few of their core beliefs might take a 180^. There is nothing wrong with that unless hypocritical politicians do it to get votes. Socialists and progressives are saturating the media with their thoughts on just about everything and if you do not agree with them you are called a bigot or worse as Mitch at 4;34 just did. Do not worry about the Mitch's of this world. Your beliefs are as equally important as his.

I love this quote by Vladimir Putin, a known "bad guy" to the West--The point of conservatism is not that it prevents movement forward and upward, but that it prevents movement backward and downward, into chaotic darkness and a return to a primitive state.

M Street Mitch said...

Quoting a communist and enemy of this country (and putting "bad guy" in quotes, to boot) is a rather strange way for an American to get a point across.

You're right with one point, though, some people evolve in their thinking. Others don't. To say today that women shouldn't be executives in the business world today would be seen by most people as extremely close-minded and outdated.

Sometime in the future, long after most of us are gone, same sex marriage and gay rights will be accepted by 80% of the country. Calling someone a bigot or a homophobe or close-minded or outdated may be somewhat premature today, but will be totally appropriate then.

Lynn Anderson said...

The Putin quote? Quite amazing. I put it in there just for you...glad you took exception to it or was it the fact he was right?

It was worse than that for one point we didn't have the right to vote. But we are talking about totally different issues.

And yes, sometime in the future, things will change. We have become socialistic. What will happen when there is no country out there that can bail out the rest of us? How's Greece? But not to worry, a better question, when the world changes, what happens to you when we are under Sharia law? You will then be singing a different tune. You won't be able to call anyone a bigot or a homophobe or accuse me or anyone of being close-minded as you will literally lose your head.

And Supreme Court decisions have been over-turned before.

Anonymous said...

EVOLVE or day it was common to believe the earth was flat. With knowledge comes the opportunity to grow intellect, widen horizons, and yes do a 180 on obsolete beliefs like blacks and women should not be allowed to vote, disabled should be institutionalized, there shouldn't be inter-racial or gay marriages. If you don't believe in gay marriage, you have. a choice, don't marry a gay person! Or as my 4 yr old nephew says 'you are not the boss of me!'

In 10 years, the approval rating in this country for gay marriage will be 80% to 90%. You know why? Because the beliefs of everybody under 60 is swinging that way.

And the rest of all your old, out of touch readers are going to wither away and die off. So go ahead and wrap your head around that while you run the rebel flag up your flagpole.

Just remember, WE ARE EVERYWHERE!
We are your sons and daughters, your aunts and your uncles, your grandparents, your police officers, firefighters, elected leaders, taxi drivers, pilots, teachers, chefs, waitresses, doctors, nurses, business people, and sorry to say even lawyers. And unlike our black brothers and sisters, we don't wear our gay-ness on our skin; so if we choose to be stealth and not come out to you, then you are often clueless.

Sometimes we like to perpetuate your cluelessness, because the thought of people different than you having the same rights as you can and does make your head explode.

Anonymous said...

When obama and clinton lie it's called "evolving" its conveniant or naive to fall for this rampant hypocrisy. Obama changed his mind minutes before the election just to get more votes.

Anonymous said... happy you post anonymously and remain in the closet.
Whether you remain at the same age you are right now and frozen in time, most of the readers here will age. Christianity will still be around and you will still be bitching about gay rights. The older you get, the wiser you get or at least most people do. That's normal except in your world. No one gives a rat's azz about what you believe is equal or your issuing ill will against senior citizens. You are equal in every aspect of life. You can be stupid and sleazy. So, carry on and keep that head swinging. No one is looking at you and no one gives a damn other than perhaps your dead grandmother.

Anonymous said...

At 2:42 your black brothers and sisters don't want to be aligned with you and resent the comparison, so drop that illusion.