Thursday, July 9, 2015

Poop Prevention

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Now this is a bill that I fully supported--preventing people from using their pets as an excuse to live in a NO PET community as one example or taking it wherever they go. It happens in every condo association around and we have witnessed it inside restaurants even in Lake Worth. In many respects, doctors have been complicit by giving prescriptions to Ms/Mr. Fake allowing them to bring their dog here, there and everywhere thus circumventing the rules...that's what this bill will do--it will prevent Fluffy's owner from dishing out the poop.

A Florida House bill, HB 71, that could land dog owners in jail for passing off their pet as a service dog is now law.


CS/HB 71 - Service Animals

 General Bill by Judiciary Committee and Smith (CO-SPONSORS) Harrell; Sprowls; Watson, C

Service Animals: Requires public accommodation to permit use of service animal by individual with disability; provides conditions for public accommodation to exclude or remove service animal; revises penalties for certain persons or entities who interfere with use of service animal; provides penalty for knowing & willful misrepresentation with respect to use or training of service animal.

Effective Date: July 1, 2015


Anonymous said...

We had a lunch ruined in PB because a so called emotional support dog barked nonstop, the manager did nothing. I' ve heard with my own ears bragging about how easy it is to claim so they can bring dogs on airplanes and everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this won't change anything. Yes it will be illegal, but businesses are still limited in what they can ask or do and I'd assume most won't ask or do anything for fear of a lawsuit. The law needs to be changed on the federal level since its the ADA that governs service animals.

I have a dog myself but it drives me crazy to see these little dogs in Publix or other food or retail establishments.

And there is a difference between service animal and emotional support animal and the Fair Housing law hasn't changed so those condo issues you speak of won't change either.

Anonymous said...

There are 3 designations: service dog, emotional support pet, and therapy dog. People tend to confuse these. The new legislation is helpful in that legitimate service dogs will continue to be allowed in restaurants, stores, and pretty much anywhere the owner needs to go. Where the law benefits is people will no longer be able to pass their "therapy" or "emotional support" dog off as a legitimate service dog. And, if they do try and their is a dog bite, there will be legal and civil consequences for their bad judgement.

Service dogs are born and bred and raised for their job. They are trained for several years before they are PLACED with their owner.

The emotional support designation may still help people who "need" their pets in their condos or apartments but I dont think it will fly with the airlines, stores, and restaurants with this law. This really was needed as the whole thing has gotten out of hand.

Sunny said...

Thank you Anon 3:27 that was very informative. You are 100% accurate on that.

Anonymous said...

When they are really needed and trained service dogs are respected and welcome.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Anon 8:53 and there are legitimate organizations who train, test and confer these designations...but there is a lot of abuse, people buy fake 'service' and especially 'therapy' dog jackets online to try to pass their dogs off.

All in all, id rather see them drag their dog into Home Depot or Publix under that guise than leave the dog in the hit car to die.

Anonymous said...

Solution to all you fake service dog owners--leave your damn dog home and give the rest of us a break. Anyone who has to take their dog everywhere they go needs psychological help.