Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ugly Toledo...Enter at your own risk

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The videographer has taken all sorts of abuse for reporting on the slum and the blight in this city. This is what happens to reporters who tell the truth--when politicians and special interests do what they do to take good people down, ruin their business, call them every demeaning name in the book to shut them up.  This could be any city, U.S.A. While caring citizens put on their gloves and help clean-up the trash throughout the Lake Worth neighborhoods, the problem returns the very next day.

Put on your blindfold! In some ways, you can substitute the name of the city to Lake Worth and you will see where the videographer's concerns are very similar to ours (ours are on a smaller scale but serious nevertheless), and the solutions from the elected officials are the same--tax and spend. We do, however, give credit to William Waters for enacting Ordinances to help eradicate some of the problem here and our Code officers do the best they can.


Anonymous said...

Born in a suburb of Detroit "The Motor City", I now can see why there are slums. Probably the largest problem happened when the auto industry left.
The older generations left when the jobs left.

Anonymous said...

You could say Detroit started going down hill in the mid 40's.
No jobs, people moved elsewhere. Pontiac and Flint have deterioted a lot too. Manufacturing has left. The steel factories in Pittsburg
has left. China and Japan have it now.

Anonymous said...

Toledo, Ohio use to be a large manufacture of military tanks. Who manufactures tanks now, I don't know. Where are our ships built now?

Lynn Anderson said...

It's the urban death spiral with everyone pointing fingers at everyone else--an aged population that moved out, off-shoring of manufacturing jobs, poverty level, abandoned houses that have encouraged and escalated the problem and slumlords galore.

Until we do something remarkable with this problem of slum and blight in our own city, we won't be able to rise above it no matter how hard you try to encourage an interest in investing or buying.

John said...

It is pathetic to see how some people are living and what some people have to live around in our city. Get to the slumlords and throw the book at them. Katie spoke about the CRA property on Lucerne with hookers having sex behind a tree. They won't clean up their own property. Do something, Lake Worth. The reason why we have so much crime is directly related to the slum and blight. Thanks, Lynn, for bringing these issues forward. We will remember this at election time and all of Maxwell's promises.