Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It's someone else's fault, says Mayor Triolo

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Governor Rick Scott said that it "circumvented the Economic Development Transportation-Road fund evaluation process." The mayor doesn't "buy" that. "Obviously, the governor's staff did not thoroughly read the backup," she said. "Something is not right. We followed all the rules, the governor knew about this project, the governor visited this project, and it's right along the lines of his goal of bringing jobs to the area," Triolo stated. The Blame Game. And Mayor Triolo dumped Governor Scott from her "friends" list.

Watch the video at Channel 5.

The mayor is always spouting jobs...a Republican soundbite, not that any business locating to the Park of Commerce would create jobs for anyone living in Lake Worth.  Look to the real reasons why we have high unemployment here.

According to Channel 12, they were not told about her press conference and of course, this blogger was not. You would have thought that Channel 12 would have had an invite after their dreadful one-sided hatchet piece on Ryan Maier.  The usual suspects were there:  Wes Blackman, PR hatchet man provocateur for this commission who is obsessed with this blogger as well as trumped up racism, Mark Easton of the LW Herald, another media in bed with the visionaries, Channels 5 and 25, both with camera crews at City Hall. The mayor, with her marketing background, invited "friends" in order to massage her message.

It's too bad that all those costly trips to Tallahassee didn't pay off. Instead someone should have been reading what was submitted to the State and spent time dotting the I's and crossing the T's.


Anonymous said...

More than likely the governor decided it was a lousy waste of taxpayer money and didn't benefit the average person, only developers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah buddy the Governor was looking out for us!?!?! HAHAHAHA What a crock! Rick Scott is a political animal setting his sites on the US Senate. If you think Gov Scott is looking out for your best interests you have your head up your AZZ.

The City tried to do the right thing and got caught in the proverbial political football game. Turn it any way you want but this is what I want my City Government trying to do. The comments on this page and position of this Blog also seeks to turn this unfortunate event into something its not. Like the Mayor's or City manager's fault. I'm sure this wont be posted either since it does not fit the agenda at hand.

Lynn Anderson said...

The only reason the above @ 12:52 was posted is because it is within the rules. There is NO agenda from this blogger. I just don't agree with liberals, socialists, racists and our local majority on THEIR AGENDA.
So, basically you didn't cross a line here. Gov. Scott wanted to cut expenses and many wants were cut to achieve that end. The POC was one of them.

P.S. He might want to run for President, not Senator.
P.P.S. He's not my buddy but the mayor's and Scott Maxwell's.

Anonymous said...

The ultimate blame lies with staff not doing the correct submittal process.(Anybody remember the FEMA pier snafu? We are after all the city that didn't bill it's water and sewer customers for years.) The ultimate blame for staff mistakes lands squarely on Mike Bornstein's doorstep.Let's give bow-tie boy another five years, right Maxwell?