Friday, June 19, 2015

Stop the Hate - Message to Wes and Mark

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An Open Letter to Wes Blackman and Mark Parrilla:

Stop the hate!

With the tragedy that unfolded last night in South Carolina, I could not help but think of how Dylann Roof’s heart became so full of hate. Perhaps he had people around him who only spoke hate to him. When hate fills a heart, words become toxic and they have the ability to contaminate everyone around. Hateful words have within them the ability to cause the simple minded to act out.

Wes, Mark, your words are like a match and I pray that they do not ignite a tragedy in the Lake Worth you say you love so much.

Stop the hate.
Pastor Mike Olive
UPDATE: Mark Parrilla's reply: Mark Anthony Parrilla 8 hrs · This is an email we received from the self proclaimed Pastor and owner of Common Grounds Coffee Shop and make shift church. Wes and I have been compared to a psycho racist killer. That is and all new low! I guess his maligning our city on national TV wasn't enough, he now wants to go after people who care and do so much for the progress of our city. There is no hate, I have initiated a boycott of his coffee shop after he lied about one of our code inspector's that works very hard to clean up our city. It is growing I now have 26 Lake Worth residents who have pledged to boycott his business.


Anonymous said...

Pam Triolo, mayor, is just as responsible for this hate as she allows it to happen in the city chamber. The city and the commission are complicit as they allow these two to be on city boards. It is past time to re-evaluate. This has become more than just a difference in politics. It is HATE.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that was exhibited by apeggy Fisher in her outburst of hate towards you. She is out of control!

Anonymous said...

God has given Perilla several chances now. the odds for him are getting slimmer.

Anonymous said...

Their life is hate and it's too bad that they are going through life that way as they will get an illness. Hate kills. His latest on his blog is suggesting that Mike and Margaret changed something on Lake Worth Wikipedia. What a hateful and bizarre imagination.

Anonymous said...

Is that a threat?

Anonymous said...

No it is called....karma!

atelise said...

Agreed and you speak the truth Lynn. Thank you for this post. Many of us see what is happening and some try to fight back. For so many, the veil has not been lifted; His "seed" story comes to mind. Unfortunately not all fall on good ground and most will wither.

Anonymous said...

So sad. Parilla loves to spout scripture,and yet he lives for hate. Blackman and Parilla DO NOT have any business on any city boards.The city has been warned numerous times by numerous people about these two. If something does happen because of the platforms the city has provided for these two hate mongers the city will have to take the responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I have no intention of praying for these lumps.

Anonymous said...

They dont hate the good majority people or our city. They just hate you. Your the people that are constantly trying to bring our town back to the getto. Following the likes of Golden Cara and Dorsey. No mind if your own. Just take orders like robots. Wake up and work to make LW what it can be. That is what Peggy Mark and Wes are trying to do. But you people are like annoying flies buzzing around and getting in the way.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, what lies about what hard working code inspector??? The one who thought it was OK to act like a NAZI and secretly record a CHURCH SERVICE ? All on the word of a Porn Monger who tried to lie about the church? You and the Porn monger brought international embarrassment upon the city of Lake Worth. It's NOT OK for this majority commission and City Manager to use code as a weapon.The Mayor should have cut your hate filled lie fest off at the knees and had you removed from the bldg. Tuesday night. Their refusal to remove you and Wes Blackman from city boards is going to result in their removal from office.You rejoice in hate and the misfortune of fellow citizens that you have harmed with your lies. Mark,sit down with your bible and read stories about people like you. People with hate in their hearts .The majority of people in this city know exactly what you and Wes Blackman are and who you serve. We are disgusted by your presence, and we shun you.

Lynn Anderson said...'re a peach of a guy. Just remember, love is greater than hate.

P.S. Learn how to use proper grammar and learn how to spell. Get educated and learn what is really going on here so that you can rise from the ghetto of lame excuses and hate.

This blog is about Ben Carson and his statement.

Anonymous said...

Get this straight,what I am about to say is not hate speech,It is from observation and watching this guy Mark and listening to his wild and nutty remarks as well as his crazy antics.He needs an insane asylum.Everyone knows it. He's on a board. Really?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree that he should not be on a board of any kind. It will definitely come back to haunt the City. Mark Parilla is a scary person. If you talk to him long enough(which is about 30 minutes) you will definitely come to the conclusion that he has mental issues. These people are the most vulnerable tools, just as this young man was. You don't know what they are capable of when the hate is stirred and stirred.

Anonymous said...

Accusing a preacher of lying. Now that's the new low. MP, you are one lost hypocritical soul.