Friday, June 26, 2015

Eminent Domain - Firm Lake Worth hired

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As previously mentioned, the city hired an expert law firm that specializes in Eminent Domain. The contract was signed by the mayor back on February 5, 2015. Who would have known? The entire concept of taking private property on Boutwell Road by Eminent Domain was approved by four out of five commissioners just last week.

William Doney of Caldwell, Pacetti says that Eminent Domain at the Park of Commerce IS for a public benefit. That's his argument and he's sticking to it and we've paid him $225 an hour up to $25,000 to tell us that and be able to argue it in court. And if we need them for other services going forward, it is by vote of the commission. Well, you never know--one of those landowners might not like the "deal."

Read the following to find out what you, the taxpayer is paying this firm.

Caldwell, Pacetti Contract


Anonymous said...

Mayor,you say we can't afford to fix pot holes unless we fork over 63,000,000, but you can spend this amount of money to take someone's PROPERTY ????
Does anybody remember this being discussed at a meeting? Did Mayor Triolo ask her bosses (us) PERMISSION to sign this???
We really need to kick these lying jackasses out of office!
How much of this money could have been spent on our pool??
How many employees could we have hired?
Unless we get some good people to step up and run against these bastards, nothing is going to change in this corrupt crap box.

Weetha Peebull said...

I hope the land owners fight it tooth and nail before a jury of their peers. The 'intention' of our forefathers for we the people to change bad law!

Anonymous said...

Who are the land owners?

Lynn Anderson said...

When I use the word "we" to describe paying this firm, I am talking about the City of Lake Worth. Any moron can understand this. This is to set it straight on the idiot's comment from earlier today that got rejected by this blog. Can't follow rules...just like to bitch, personally attack and cause BS.

Anonymous said...

Now are you people out there beginning to understand WHY there was opposition to the 63,000,000 cash grab?? That money would have gone every which way- every way but fixing our roads.The majority of citizens were very clear. At meeting after meeting people stood up and spoke - THE POC IS NOT OUR PRIORITY AS A CITY RIGHT NOW! This Commission is IGNORING what we told them to do! Our hard earned tax dollars go through this commission majority fingers like water through a sieve. Mayor Triolo has stated that the city is going to find 3.2 million dollars for the POC. MAYOR- FIX OUR DAMN ROADS !!! Time to kick the Mayor's can to the curb-along with Maxwell and Amoroso.

Anonymous said...

Where does this supposed $63 million number come from? I've never seen it, inquiring minds want to know.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, this is referring to the $63 million general obligation bond that the city tried to pass that would have had all property owners in debt for 34 years. This was just last August. How soon we all forget. They still want your money...soon we will find out I would guess.