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There's a lot of disrespect in this city and it starts right at the top--right there on the dais that is consumed by a few bullies. And that's why their friends believe it is A-Ok to be the same way, rude and boorish. The conversation went like this as Maxwell has never once pronounced Commissioner Ryan Maier's name correctly.
Vice Mayor Maxwell: "...and finally with respect to Mr. [
MAYer]" (Note he didn't refer to him as "commissioner.")
Mayor Pam Triolo corrects him: "[
Vice Mayor Maxwell then retorts: "Whatever"
Scott does this on purpose. There is a lot of hate with that group. At least he had the good sense to tell Peggy to shove off. He must have as she never speaks to him. andy is now her guy. haha
With all the low down stuff that goes on in this town, THIS is worth writing about?
Yup, this is "low down stuff." Bullying is not nice, anonymous at 6:09. It's about character and respect, something Peggy Fisher harped about last night.
Anon at 5:24,unless Peggy is hiding a big secret , Andy is never going to be her guy.
Maxwell has no class.
Peggy must have gotten the word from Scott's wife.
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