Friday, June 19, 2015

H-1B Visa program

Read here... on the H-1B Visa program. Is it all a scam? Is our government screwing the American worker?

The Department of Homeland Security says, "The H-1B Program--U.S. businesses use the H-1B visa program to employ foreign workers in specialty occupations that require the theoretical or practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge, including but not limited to: scientists, engineers, or computer programmers." 

Supposedly American corporations use these foreign workers because they can't find enough American workers.  We know this is blatantly false and believe that it is all about being able to pay foreign workers less money than a degreed American worker. Many of our college graduates can't find employment in their fields and are driving taxis or working at Starbucks just to survive while the government encourages more foreign workers in the IT field.  Before long, our students who need jobs will see the light and will not specialize in the sciences and then we WILL have an actual shortage of workers. What happens then when our citizens are no longer educated or qualified in these engineering jobs?

Below is Obama's answer to a woman whose husband is a tech engineer who has not been able to find a job in three years.

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