Thursday, June 4, 2015

Lois Frankel wants to know--

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Lois Frankel will be in Lake Worth on Friday looking at some of the issues on Sober Homes and wants to know what's going on at our beach, says Commissioner Amoroso. If you find out, Ms. Frankel, please let the residents know. I say, don't let them mess up a wonderful thing!


Anonymous said...

Just get someone up there who knows what in hell he's doing. Work on it, Scotty without farming out our property on any type of lease control of our property or further commercialization.

Anonymous said...

Where is Lois Frankel going to be?? Is it a public event??

Anonymous said...

Stop trying to put more development at the beach. It is a great property as is, stop trying to pave over everything to give it away to a private developer.

Anonymous said...

Hey can some citizen scum come along for the ride? We only pay the taxes, live here, etc.

Anonymous said...

Losing control of our property is not necessarily selling it.

The city has already lost control of A HUGE part of it to the county for 5 million dollars. The county dictates what we can and can't do in the portion we took money from them to upgrade.

We lose control over each retail space we rent to Mulligans, or Mama Mias. The people who rent them dictate what goes on in those spaces. Not the public. The city owns the building to make money on it by collecting rent.

Right now, we are losing money on a poorly thought out plan.

"Just get someone up there who knows what in hell he's doing" is what one brainiak above spews. Like who? Several companies have tried. You know, the ones that know what the hell they are doing.

It was a poor design to put a restaurant up there. One was NEVER there before the BCE decided to save the building. Remember, what's up there now is a saved historical structure.

So since we saved this Disney-esque structure to rent out and make money, why not further Disney the pool building and put a mono-rail from the Gulfstream Hotel to the historic tomorrowland of Lake Worth's past?

Lynn Anderson said...

Interesting--sounds like the other blogger.

Actually the leases dictate what the stores can or cannot do at our casino. We are not losing money because of a poorly though-out plan. We are losing money only because we have not rented that vacant space upstairs and maybe the CAM is still too low. Find a Realtor who can do the job without trying to take one-half of our casino space (the total upstairs) which would definitely be a bad plan. And I agree with someone you ridiculed, hire someone who can do the job.

A restaurant has always been at our casino since the beginning of time so I am not sure what you mean when you say that one was NEVER there.

The structure is anything but Disney-esque as you put it. It is a beautiful building with some problems that need to be solved and fixed. I believe the city is looking into that with Morganti but they don't ever want to tell the citizens anything about that. I remember when Susan Stanton thought an aquatic center might be a good idea and steer away from a normal pool. I was against that then--still am today and always will be. We don't want Disney here. PB County had that opportunity decades ago and turned it down...they went to Orlando--thank God.

I don't know why you guys want to destroy our past. Why are you so unhappy? Why do you stay here? Is it to make money off the poor city from developers and all the other parasites hanging around? What do you get out of it? Why are you so reluctant to sign your name?

Anonymous said...

Losing sight of a growing problem, Sober Homes destroying property values and ruining our standard of living, there will be a mass exodus of good citizens no one believes these vermin are remaining sober, crime is up and they're just not plesant to have around.