Friday, June 5, 2015

Living Shoreline at Bryant Park

Karla Engel, Secretary of Bryant Park Neighborhood Association sent 4 is one. She says, "Attached are fantastic aerial photos of the Living Shoreline installation in progress. It is always fun to get a bird-eye's-view of what is happening in our neck of the woods."

Project Overview • Create 575 feet of living shoreline along a barren seawall. • Construct a 125-foot wetland planter using a prototype design created by a team of biologists, engineers and artists to retain soils for intertidal plants, promote oyster growth and offer passages for fish. • Install 445 feet of riprap rock to provide oyster reef habitat and protect the shoreline. • Improve seawall protection by installing living shoreline which will attenuate waves and boat wakes. • Estimated completion in July 2015.


Attend the ribbon cutting at Bryant Park on Tuesday, July 14, 10am


Anonymous said...

Just so they don't block the views and the breeze with those damned Mangroves!

atelise said...

Wonderful picture. I love that they're setting up these islands for the baby fish. The survival of nature should come before views but that's just me.