Friday, June 5, 2015

Quote of the Day - Mayor Sam Ferreri

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"The city [Greenacres] should proceed carefully. Cities get a sweetheart deal in year one, then in year two and three get hammered. I would want a three-year proposal, including escalation costs because we need to make sure we can survive.

~ Mayor Sam Ferreri, Greenacres

Greenacres is once again considering contracting with PBSO for police services.  They, too, have received the sales pitch that their costs will be lower and crime will go down. One of their commissioners even told them that crime could be reduced "just like Lake Worth's."  Check into that claim, Mayor Ferreri.  Lake Worth's crime is escalating and we are rated to be the 34th highest crime city in the country, being safer than 3% of all cities in America.

Here in Lake Worth, your city, which is similar in demographics, has been a model to emulate as you have contained operating costs without  electric utility funds to draw from as Lake Worth must do and you have had your own police department.  Your county taxes already cover policing for special operations.


Anonymous said...

You looking for crime to go up and costs to rise? Go with the sheriff.

Anonymous said...

Greenacres has tons of rentals, tons of commercial all up and down Lake Worth Road, not as many churches and non-profits and are not afraid of development. Gee, any wonder they can pay their bills?

Anonymous said...

Not afraid of development? Please explain. Nobody is AFRAID of development in Lake Worth. Some of us are afraid of being turned into a high rise city, in spite of overwhelming citizen desire to stay low -rise for a max of 4 stories in parts of our town. Many places have stayed true to this low rise theory and they are not blighted. (Key West, Sarasota for example).In several of the Hawaiian islands buildings cannot be higher than the trees.And sadly some here in Lake Worth are just greedy growth whores out to rape Lake Worth and ignore the citizens.

Lynn Anderson said...

@5:52...yeah, sort of like Lake Worth with "tons of commercial up and down Dixie Highway."