Friday, June 5, 2015

Baby Iguana?

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I couldn't see him at all but did see something move so I took the shot.
 There he was, looking at me!

UPDATE: Someone just set me straight. The animal is a Cuban Anole.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it is not an iguana. It is a Cuban Enole. Both are non-native invasive species. They both do harm to our environment.

The Enole eats baby birds and other lizards. The iguana burrows into canal banks destabilizing them. They are vegetarians though.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks so much for letting me know what it is. It just looks like an iguana to me.

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture. Even though they are invasive, I can't help liking them !

atelise said...

Cool picture. He looks like hes in a pine tree. Cats are serious predators of these lizards though.