Thursday, July 21, 2022

National Anthem Protester, Brittney Griner, wants out of Russian jail

America-Hating Brittney Griner Has to Beg AGAIN for Help as America Stops Caring

Brittney Griner, who won't stand for National Anthem, keeps begging Biden to trade her for a Russian prisoner.

Well, now the former America-basher is begging for America’s help in bringing her home as she faces the prospect of ten long years in one of Putin’s prisons.

Brittney showed disrespect and broker the law by bringing drugs into Russia. Her "I'll be damned" attitude is costing her.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. Let her rot. Rules are rules, even if they're Russian. Law & Order, Russian-style. LOL!

Lock her up!

Anonymous said...

So she thinks she because she is a gold medalist she can get away with doing whatever she wants I think they should keep her in there for at least 5 years then release her for prisoner swap and make her do time in a US prison if you're going to do the crime in a different country you need to find out what the laws are like I know people in China took a a poster off a wall and they got smacked with a cane so I mean you don't go to foreign countries and mess around and expect to get a slap on the wrist hope she stays there and rots

Anonymous said...

People like her just think all laws are for everybody except them. A lot of people think this way today, people don't stop at a stop sign because they figure the other person will, so much lawlessness today in our society! There is no law and order today!

Anonymous said...

The irony is that she had no clue that the Russians are tough people who have laws that are meant to be followed. She didn't know that.

So busy trying to perfect her image as a he-man-woman soccer player, she never read a book.