Sunday, July 31, 2022

Biden didn't blink - Just like a Robot!

Biden Goes 40 Seconds Without Blinking, Raising Health Concerns

Many people saw this and wondered if Biden was juiced up on Adderall. I dunno, but he looks like he’s on something. Who doesn’t blink for 17-seconds straight? That’s weird. Also, why was he so hyped-up and angry, too?

But he was recording from his basement!

He’s so ticked off about January 6th, which happened like two years ago, where the only person who died was an unarmed Trump supporter. Still, he doesn’t care about the left-wing “Summer of Love” where BLM and Antifa burned down the country, intimidated and injured innocent Americans, and 21 people died.

Try not blinking! This was like a robot speaking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

didnt know puppets blinked