Saturday, July 23, 2022

Ilhan Omar was mocking Police

The Squad’ member of Congress participated in a pro-abortion protest outside of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hateful Omar was joined with mouth-breather Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in the lists of 17 Democratic lawmakers that were arrested in the protests.

But it appears that the arrests were all stage mocking our Police.

Here’s what Omar said about her arrest:
“Today I was arrested while participating in a civil disobedience action with my fellow Members of Congress outside the Supreme Court,” Omar tweeted.

“I will continue to do everything in my power to raise the alarm about the assault on our reproductive rights!”
Read the rest...


Anonymous said...

Was she beating them or bear spraying them or clubbing them with American flags on the steps of the US Capitol.

Because people seem to be able to do those kinds of things and all you do is make excuses for them.

Lynn Anderson said...

Why not ask her Somali constituents who booed her at the Target Center and told her to get the heck out. She does not represent American values and is a cop hater. Didn't she marry her brother?
Why Democrats come over her is a mystery. Get a grip. Change your party and let's get our country back in order.
P.S. No one clubbed people with American flags. Two people at the protest were accused of using pepper spray or mace on the officers--no Bear spray. Two out of tens of thousands? Capitol police were opening the doors for those at the rally.

Anonymous said...

Democrats have nothing better to do. their only hope is to trash Trump and Republicans over January 6. How pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Is she still married to her brother?