Monday, July 18, 2022

Biden poking the Bear

F-35 Patrol Hints Biden Is Inching America Even Closer To War

The Biden administration signaled that they are willing to put the world through a global recession and famine to make Russia pay.

"The move has been overshadowed by recent SCOTUS announcements but the Biden administration is inching America into a war in Europe.

The Biden-run Pentagon ordered F-35 fighter jets – that took off from the Czech Republic – to fly patrol from Austria’s border to Romania’s coast on the Black Sea just miles from Russian troops in Donbas area.

The patrol over Romania to the coast wasn’t covert either, the F-35 identifiers were left on after they departed from Vienna and to Romania via Hungary."



Anonymous said...

Well if President Biden wasn't going to declare war I'm sure Trump would . So the US is supposed to stand by and watch all these people innocent children and innocent people going to work getting blown up because this crazy Russian wants to take Ukraine back look at how many other countries are helping Ukraine we always bail everybody out doesn't matter who it is who's going to bail the us out

Lynn Anderson said...

@7:26...obviously you won't know much about Donald Trump. He is totally against war and there was not a war under his 4 years other than war against the China virus. He feared that the military wanted wars and Trump used détente all of the time to smooth friction and ease tension in the Middle East. It's Biden getting us into war.