Saturday, July 30, 2022

Biden Corruption Exposed...$2.5 Billion

The boldness of the Biden administration is sickening

After Trump, Biden obviously thinks he can get away with anything and everyone will look the other way. And actually they have!

So, it really is not all that surprising that he just tapped a failed program for $2.5 billion to pay off a staffer’s brother, who happens to be a lobbyist for an electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer.

Read about it...

It's past time to Impeach!


Anonymous said...

the most corrupt administration in history of our country.

Anonymous said...

thought it was tacky last night when biden got on and took credit for gas going down.then his speaker got on and said they were not fixing the wall just filling in holes then she blamed PRESIDENT TRUMP for leaving them a big mess all these dems should be forced into the army for two years to learn what AMERICA is about

Anonymous said...

I hope the biden's Hunter his father and maybe uncle spend some time in jail because they all sound like really greedy corrupt fraudulent people they really sold their souls to satan haven't they!

Anonymous said...

Pure evil!