Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Buttigieg--Deluded sense of hypocrisy

Buttigieg Laughed Like A Hyena At Kavanaugh But It Blew Up In His Face!

"It is quite obvious that the left is just some of the biggest hypocrites out there but they cannot seem to see it.

They are often the first ones to yell about everyone needing to be more diverse and open-minded, but when anyone questions their particular thought or challenge they scream that you are a bigot.

That has been seen time and time again over the years with the left and it doesn’t seem to be ending at any point soon.

A prime example of this deluded sense of hypocrisy with a sprinkling of self-entitlement was demonstrated over the weekend by Chasten Buttigieg, the “husband” of Pete Buttigieg."

Read the rest...


Anonymous said...

That's why I can't stand the Democrats they're the biggest hypocrites haters and negative people just complete slaves of the devil destroying the United States of America!

Anonymous said...

The meaning of his last name...