Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Bill Gates buying tens of thousands of farm land

Congressman demands Bill Gates answer questions about massive farmland purchases

Billionaire advocates for artificial meat while taking control of ag lands

One member of Congress is demanding that Bill Gates, the influential computer software company founder and celebrated environmentalist, answer some questions about why he is buying up tens of thousands of acres of farmland.

That farmland, now, often is used for producing feed for cattle, that are turned into steaks and roasts and hamburgers. But Gates has openly advocated that nations should convert to synthetic beef.

So Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., wants him to explain what is going on. And I believe most Americans who are not into "Green" would like to know as well. And the next question I have, why is it only ONE Congressman questioning this?

Bill Gates bought millions of acres of farmland to become the "number one landlord" in the United States...Chinas is probably closing in.

Read more about it...


Anonymous said...

He is the worst! He thinks he is God! He ain't though! God is in control, he will have to answer to his maker someday for all the pure evil he has inflicted on God's people!Gates is just another slave of the devil 👿 Satan love people like this! #boycottbillgatesmicrosoft!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another monopoly to be run by the liberal socialists/communists.

Anonymous said...

The quote below says it all about all these rich slaves today who think they are our God! Gates is pridefully evil!

Pride lies at the root of all sin. If people were not arrogant, they would not be disobedient. ⏤ Charles Spurgeon

Anonymous said...

I can't stand him. I wish he would go and live in Africa. I wonder if he ever really helped anybody, or if it is all hype.

These people are all frauds. There are Billionaires who really do help people. Bill Gates is not one of them. He actually makes me sick to look at him. So does Sean Penn. Another do-gooder!

They just hoard their money and do things to further enrich themselves. Totally Narcissistic sick people.

Anonymous said...

They also said on the NTD news this morning that the Chinese are buying a lot of land in the United States as well I guess that they bought like 300 acres or more in North Dakota and they're buying land everywhere here. They want to have more control in the United States control our food and resources. The CCP is infiltrating the United States this way!