Saturday, July 30, 2022

Government Mind Games--It's real!

“A government that is allowed to break the law during an emergency will create an emergency in order to break the law”

"It should not be surprising that the CIA is an evil agency.

For years, this government entity has been a part of a ton of shady dealings, and with just a bit of research, that is all completely provable.

For most of their existence, they’ve been known for playing games and running operations on poor, unsuspecting foreigners, especially color revolutions.

Now, however, trust in our government and organizations like the CIA and FBI have hit an all-time low, thanks to questionable characters like James Comey and John Brennan, who politicized their departments once President Trump splashed on the scene."


Anonymous said...

It sure didn't surprise me!

Anonymous said...

The Bible says do not trust man and governments! Only trust God and we already know how bad the government is in the United States and many around the world run by evil horrible slaves of Satan greedy and selfish they have no allegiance to their own countries it's just all about money power control is very selfish and greedy people very sad pray for all of these horrible so-called leaders! The United States government or no government is god! Trust only in God none of these governments that are so evil and corrupt!