Monday, July 25, 2022

Biden Sold Strategic Oil Reserves to our enemy

Biden Has Shamelessly Sold Six Million Barrels Of Oil To China!

The Biden administration has sold millions of barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a Chinese state-owned firm. The US Energy Department claims that the action will help American consumers and offset “Putin’s price hike.”

In April, the Energy Department authorized the sale of 950,000 barrels of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Unipec, the trading division of China Petrochemical Corporation. The Chinese government owns the entire organization, which is typically referred to as Sinopec.

However, as always with the Biden administration, the real story is much, much worse than what was originally reported because this corrupt regime has sold off not just one million, but six million barrels of oil to China at a time when gas prices in the United States are “increasing and there is no end in sight.”

Read the rest of selling out America


Anonymous said...

"The Trump administration sold oil from the U.S. strategic reserves to China's largest oil producer in 2017..."

Lynn Anderson said...

Different situation then. So, what's your point?
Trump was able to export more oil than importing oil. It was the first time in over 40 years that America was able to do that. We didn't go begging for oil from Saudi. We flooded the market with oil and brought down the price of oil. So what is your point again??
Trump didn't want to end fossil fuel like Biden. There was more oil exploration and drilling under Trump. We prospered as a nation. Biden has been doom and gloom ever since he took office.

Anonymous said...

Plus they're saying how they're giving all these weapons to Ukraine and were reducing our stockpile of our necessary weapons to defend ourselves as a country. So it is odd but it sounds like it's doing a lot of this so then we can be conquered by China in other countries and we won't have any way of defending ourselves Ukraine is really using the United States anyway they're all just slaves of Satan!

Anonymous said...

Well the Clintons are just as bad remember that they took a lot of money that was supposed to be for Haiti and then they never gave it to Haiti they stole stuff from the White House and they've done a lot of really bad things some say that they're very evil people so no different than the current resident of the White House!